Half-Orc NPCs [Level 26]

Half-Orc Battle Cleric [Level 26 Controller (Leader)]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +15; Senses Perception +18; low-light
HP 230; Bloodied 115
Healing Surges (+57 hp) ○○○
AC 39; Fortitude 40, Reflex 35, Will 40
Speed 5

● [m] Morningstar (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 2d10 + 17 damage.
● [r] Javelin (standard) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +32 vs. AC; 2d6 + 17 damage.
● [M] Righteous Brand (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 2d10 + 17 damage, and one ally within 5 squares gains a +7 power bonus to melee attack rolls against the target until the end of the half-orc cleric’s next turn.
○ [M] Haunting Strike (standard) ✦ Weapon
+34 vs. AC; 4d10 + 17 damage. The next attack roll the half-orc cleric makes against the target gains a +2 power bonus.
□ [M] Nimbus of Doom (standard) ✦ Radiant, Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 6d10 + 17 radiant damage. Hit or Miss: The target takes a –2 penalty to all defenses (save ends).
Purify (standard)
Every effect that a save can end is removed from the half-orc cleric and each ally within 10 squares.
○○○ Healing Word (minor) ✦ Healing
The half-orc cleric or one ally within 15 squares can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 6d6 hit points. This power can only be used once per round.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc cleric hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Divine Fortune (free) ✦ Channel Divinity
The half-orc cleric gains a +1 bonus to the half-orc cleric’s next attack roll or saving throw before the end of the half-orc cleric’s next turn.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc cleric is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc cleric gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc cleric gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.

Skills Heal +23, Religion +19
Str 25 (+20); Dex 15 (+15); Wis 21 (+18);
Con 14 (+15); Int 12 (+14); Cha 15 (+15)
Equipment chainmail, morningstar, javelin

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Devoted Cleric [Level 26 Controller (Leader)]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +15; Senses Perception +19; low-light
HP 230; Bloodied 115
Healing Surges (+57 hp) ○○○
AC 39; Fortitude 36, Reflex 35, Will 41
Speed 5

● [m] Morningstar (standard) ✦ Weapon
+28 vs. AC; 2d10 + 13 damage.
● [r] Javelin (standard) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +28 vs. AC; 2d6 + 13 damage.
● [R] Lance of Faith (standard) ✦ Radiant
Ranged 5; +29 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 16 radiant damage, and one ally the half-orc cleric can see gains a +2 power bonus to his or her next attack roll against the target.
○ [A] Healing Torch (standard) ✦ Healing, Radiant
Area burst 5 within 10; targets enemies; +29 vs. Will; 3d8 + 16 radiant damage. Hit or Miss: The half-orc cleric and each ally in the burst gain a +5 power bonus to AC until the end of the half-orc cleric’s next turn and can spend a healing surge. Add +5 to the hit points regained.
□ [C] Sacred Word (standard) ✦ Psychic
Close burst 5; targets enemies; +29 vs. Fortitude; 4d10 + 16 psychic damage, and the target is stunned until the end of the half-orc cleric’s next turn. Miss: Half damage, and the target is not stunned.
Clarion Call of the Astral Sea (standard) ✦ Healing, Teleportation
The half-orc cleric or one willing ally within 10 squares teleports away to a safe location in the Astral Sea and regains hit points up to its maximum. While it is away, the target can perceive the surroundings of its previous location, but it can’t take any actions. At the start of its next turn, it returns to an unoccupied space chosen by the half-orc cleric within 5 squares of its previous location.
○○○ Healing Word (minor) ✦ Healing
The half-orc cleric or one ally within 15 squares can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 6d6 hit points. This power can only be used once per round.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc cleric hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Divine Fortune (free) ✦ Channel Divinity
The half-orc cleric gains a +1 bonus to the half-orc cleric’s next attack roll or saving throw before the end of the half-orc cleric’s next turn.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc cleric is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc cleric gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc cleric gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.

Skills Heal +24, Religion +19
Str 17 (+16); Dex 15 (+15); Wis 23 (+19);
Con 14 (+15); Int 12 (+14); Cha 21 (+18)
Equipment chainmail, morningstar, javelin

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Greatweapon Fighter [Level 26 Soldier]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +16; Senses Perception +15; low-light
HP 237; Bloodied 118
Healing Surges (+59 hp) ○○○
AC 40; Fortitude 42, Reflex 36, Will 35
Speed 5

● [m] Greataxe (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 2d12 + 17 damage (crit 41 + 3d12).
● [r] Handaxe (standard) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 5/10; +32 vs. AC; 2d6 + 17 damage.
● [M] Reaping Strike (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 2d12 + 17 damage (crit 41 + 3d12). Miss: 7 damage.
○ [M] Hack’n’ Slash (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 4d12 + 22 damage (crit 70 + 3d12).
□ [M] Reign of Terror (standard) ✦ Reliable, Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 6d12 + 17 damage (crit 89 + 3d12), and all of the half-orc fighter’s enemies that the half-orc fighter can see are marked until the end of the half-orc fighter’s next turn. Miss: The power is not expended.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc fighter hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
No Surrender (no action) ✦ Healing
When the half-orc fighter’s hit points drop to 0 or lower.
The half-orc fighter regains hit points up to one-half the half-orc fighter’s maximum hit points. However, the half-orc fighter takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of the encounter.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc fighter is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc fighter gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc fighter gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.
Combat Challenge
Every time the half-orc fighter attacks an enemy, the half-orc fighter can mark that target, whether the attack hits or misses. The mark lasts until the end of the half-orc fighter’s next turn. If the marked creature makes an attack that doesn’t include the half-orc fighter as a target, the marked creature takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls. If the marked creature is adjacent to the half-orc fighter and shifts or makes an attack that does not include the half-orc fighter, the half-orc fighter can make a melee basic attack against that enemy as an immediate interrupt.

Skills Athletics +25, Intimidate +21
Str 25 (+20); Dex 17 (+16); Wis 14 (+15);
Con 21 (+18); Int 12 (+14); Cha 13 (+14)
Equipment scale armor, greataxe, handaxe

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Guardian Fighter [Level 26 Soldier]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +19; Senses Perception +15; low-light
HP 231; Bloodied 115
Healing Surges (+57 hp) ○○○
AC 42; Fortitude 42, Reflex 41, Will 35
Speed 5

● [m] Longsword (standard) ✦ Weapon
+33 vs. AC; 2d8 + 17 damage.
● [r] Javelin (standard) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +32 vs. AC; 2d6 + 17 damage.
● [M] Tide of Iron (standard) ✦ Weapon
Must be using a shield.
+33 vs. AC; 2d8 + 17 damage, and the target is pushed 1 square if it is the half-orc fighter’s size, smaller than the half-orc fighter, or one size category larger. The half-orc fighter can shift into the space that the target occupied.
○ [M] Fangs of Steel (standard) ✦ Weapon
+33 vs. AC; 3d8 + 23 damage, and make a secondary attack against one creature adjacent to the primary target and within the half-orc fighter’s melee reach. Secondary Attack: +33 vs. AC; 2d8 + 23 damage.
Act of Desperation (minor)
When an ally within 10 squares is dying.
The half-orc fighter gains an action point that the half-orc fighter must spend during the half-orc fighter’s current turn.
Reaper’s Stance (minor) ✦ Stance, Weapon
Whenever the half-orc fighter uses a fighter power, the half-orc fighter can score a critical hit on a roll of 19–20, and the half-orc fighter gains a +6 power bonus to damage rolls. Any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to the half-orc fighter takes 1d8 + 10 damage damage and ongoing 10 damage (save ends), as long as the half-orc fighter is able to make opportunity attacks. Stance: This power lasts until the end of the encounter or until the half-orc fighter uses another stance power.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc fighter hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc fighter is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc fighter gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc fighter gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.
Combat Challenge
Every time the half-orc fighter attacks an enemy, the half-orc fighter can mark that target, whether the attack hits or misses. The mark lasts until the end of the half-orc fighter’s next turn. If the marked creature makes an attack that doesn’t include the half-orc fighter as a target, the marked creature takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls. If the marked creature is adjacent to the half-orc fighter and shifts or makes an attack that does not include the half-orc fighter, the half-orc fighter can make a melee basic attack against that enemy as an immediate interrupt.

Skills Heal +20, Intimidate +21
Str 25 (+20); Dex 23 (+19); Wis 14 (+15);
Con 15 (+15); Int 12 (+14); Cha 13 (+14)
Equipment scale armor, heavy shield, longsword, javelin

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Avenging Paladin [Level 26 Soldier]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +15; Senses Perception +15; low-light
HP 230; Bloodied 115
Healing Surges (+57 hp) ○○○
AC 41; Fortitude 41, Reflex 36, Will 39
Speed 5

● [m] Greatsword (standard) ✦ Weapon
+33 vs. AC; 2d10 + 17 damage.
● [r] Javelin (standard) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +32 vs. AC; 2d6 + 17 damage.
● [M] Holy Strike (standard) ✦ Radiant, Weapon
+33 vs. AC; 2d10 + 17 radiant damage. If the half-orc paladin has marked the target, the half-orc paladin gains a +2 bonus to the damage roll.
○ [M] Resounding Smite (standard) ✦ Thunder, Weapon
+33 vs. AC; 3d10 + 17 thunder damage, the target is knocked prone, and make a secondary attack against each enemy adjacent to the half-orc paladin other than the primary target. Secondary Attack: +33 vs. AC; 1d10 + 17 thunder damage, and the target is knocked prone.
□ [M] Exalted Retribution (standard) ✦ Weapon
+33 vs. AC; 4d10 + 17 damage. Miss: Half damage. Hit or Miss: The target provokes an opportunity attack from the half-orc paladin when it attacks (save ends). The half-orc paladin gains a +2 bonus to the opportunity attack roll and deals an extra 1d10 damage.
Divine Challenge (minor) ✦ Radiant
The half-orc paladin marks one creature within 5 squares. If the marked creature makes an attack that doesn’t include the half-orc paladin as a target, the marked creature takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls. The first time each round it makes such an attack, it takes 14 radiant damage. The half-orc paladin must engage the target by attacking it or ending the turn adjacent to it, or the mark ends. The mark also ends if the half-orc paladin challenges another target. Divine Challenge can only be used once per round.
□□ Lay on Hands (minor) ✦ Healing
The half-orc paladin spends a healing surge but regains no hit points. Instead, one creature touched by the half-orc paladin regains hit points as if it had spent a healing surge. This power can only be used once per round.
Cleansing Burst (minor)
The half-orc paladin and each ally within 5 squares make a saving throw against each effect that a save can end. Any penalties to attack rolls or defenses affecting the targets are removed.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc paladin hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc paladin is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc paladin gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc paladin gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.

Skills Intimidate +25, Religion +19
Str 25 (+20); Dex 15 (+15); Wis 15 (+15);
Con 14 (+15); Int 12 (+14); Cha 21 (+18)
Equipment plate armor, greatsword, javelin

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Protecting Paladin [Level 26 Soldier]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +15; Senses Perception +15; low-light
HP 230; Bloodied 115
Healing Surges (+57 hp) ○○○
AC 43; Fortitude 40, Reflex 38, Will 40
Speed 5

● [m] Longsword (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 2d8 + 16 damage.
● [r] Javelin (standard) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +31 vs. AC; 2d6 + 16 damage.
● [M] Bolstering Strike (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 2d8 + 16 damage, and the half-orc paladin gains 2 temporary hit points.
○ [R] Here Waits Thy Doom (standard) ✦ Radiant
Ranged 5; +29 vs. Will; 4d10 + 16 radiant damage, and the target is pulled 2 squares.
□ [C] To the Nine Hells with You (standard) ✦ Fire
Close burst 5; targets enemies; +29 vs. Will; 6d6 + 16 damage Miss: Half damage. Hit or Miss: The target suffers ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends). The target is marked until the end of the half-orc paladin’s next turn.
Divine Challenge (minor) ✦ Radiant
The half-orc paladin marks one creature within 5 squares. If the marked creature makes an attack that doesn’t include the half-orc paladin as a target, the marked creature takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls. The first time each round it makes such an attack, it takes 15 radiant damage. The half-orc paladin must engage the target by attacking it or ending the turn adjacent to it, or the mark ends. The mark also ends if the half-orc paladin challenges another target. Divine Challenge can only be used once per round.
□□ Lay on Hands (minor) ✦ Healing
The half-orc paladin spends a healing surge but regains no hit points. Instead, one creature touched by the half-orc paladin regains hit points as if it had spent a healing surge. This power can only be used once per round.
United in Faith (minor) ✦ Healing
The half-orc paladin and each ally within 5 squares can spend a healing surge.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc paladin hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc paladin is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc paladin gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc paladin gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.

Skills Intimidate +26, Religion +19
Str 23 (+19); Dex 15 (+15); Wis 15 (+15);
Con 14 (+15); Int 12 (+14); Cha 23 (+19)
Equipment plate armor, heavy shield, longsword, javelin

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Archer Ranger [Level 26 Skirmisher]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +20; Senses Perception +20; low-light
HP 230; Bloodied 115
Healing Surges (+57 hp) ○○○
AC 43; Fortitude 40, Reflex 41, Will 35
Speed 6

● [m] Longsword (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 2d8 + 16 damage.
● [m] Off-hand Short Sword (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 2d6 + 16 damage.
● [r] Longbow (standard) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 20/40; +32 vs. AC; 2d10 + 17 damage.
● [M/R] Twin Strike (standard) ✦ Weapon
Two attacks on one or two creatures.
Longsword/Short Sword: +32/+32 vs. AC; 2d8 + 10 damage (main)/2d6 + 10 damage (off-hand).
Longbow: Ranged 20/40; +32 vs. AC (twice); 2d10 + 10 damage.
○ [R] Hammer Shot (standard) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 20/40; +32 vs. Fortitude; 4d10 + 17 damage, and the target is pushed 4 squares.
□ [C] Unstoppable Arrows (standard) ✦ Weapon
Close blast 5; targets enemies; +32 vs. AC; 3d10 + 17 damage. Miss: Half damage.
Forest Ghost (standard) ✦ Illusion
When it is not the half-orc ranger’s turn, enemies treat the half-orc ranger as invisible if the half-orc ranger has cover or concealment from them. An enemy still knows the square occupied by the half-orc ranger if it saw the half-orc ranger in that square at any point during a round. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter or for 5 minutes.
Hunter’s Quarry (minor)
The half-orc ranger can designate the nearest visible enemy as the half-orc ranger’s quarry. Once per round when hitting this quarry, the half-orc ranger can deal an extra 3d6 damage. This effect remains active until the end of the encounter or until the half-orc ranger designates a different target as the quarry. The half-orc ranger can only designate one enemy as quarry at a time.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc ranger hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc ranger is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc ranger gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc ranger gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.
Archer Fighting Style
The half-orc ranger gains Defensive Mobility as a bonus feat.
Defensive Mobility [Feat]
The half-orc ranger gains a +2 bonus to AC against opportunity attacks.

Skills Nature +20, Stealth +24
Str 23 (+19); Dex 25 (+20); Wis 15 (+15);
Con 14 (+15); Int 12 (+14); Cha 13 (+14)
Equipment hide armor, longsword, short sword, longbow

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Two-Blade Ranger [Level 26 Skirmisher]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +19; Senses Perception +20; low-light
HP 245; Bloodied 122
Healing Surges (+61 hp) ○○○
AC 42; Fortitude 41, Reflex 40, Will 35
Speed 6

● [m] Longsword (standard) ✦ Weapon
+33 vs. AC; 2d8 + 17 damage.
● [m] Off-hand Longsword (standard) ✦ Weapon
+33 vs. AC; 2d8 + 17 damage.
● [r] Longbow (standard) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 20/40; +31 vs. AC; 2d10 + 16 damage.
● [M/R] Twin Strike (standard) ✦ Weapon
Two attacks on one or two creatures.
Longsword/Longsword: +33/+33 vs. AC; 2d8 + 10 damage (main)/2d8 + 10 damage (off-hand).
Longbow: Ranged 20/40; +31 vs. AC (twice); 2d10 + 10 damage.
○ [M] Cloak of Thorns (standard) ✦ Weapon
Two attacks against one or two creatures.
Longsword (main): +33 vs. AC; 2d8 + 17 damage.
Longsword (off hand): +33 vs. AC; 2d8 + 17 damage.
If one attack hits, the target takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of the half-orc ranger’s next turn. If both attacks hit the same target, this penalty worsens to –4. Hit or Miss: If any adjacent creature makes an attack against the half-orc ranger and misses before the start of the half-orc ranger’s next turn, make a melee basic attack against it with both the half-orc ranger’s main weapon and the half-orc ranger’s off-hand weapon as an immediate reaction.
□ [M/R] Bloodstorm (standard) ✦ Weapon
Two attacks on one creature.
Longsword/Longsword: +33/+33 vs. AC; 2d8 + 17 damage (main)/2d8 + 17 damage (off-hand).
Longbow: Ranged 20/40; +31 vs. AC (twice); 2d10 + 16 damage.
Miss: Half damage per attack. Hit or Miss: After making these attacks, the half-orc ranger can shift 2 squares.
Hunter’s Quarry (minor)
The half-orc ranger can designate the nearest visible enemy as the half-orc ranger’s quarry. Once per round when hitting this quarry, the half-orc ranger can deal an extra 3d6 damage. This effect remains active until the end of the encounter or until the half-orc ranger designates a different target as the quarry. The half-orc ranger can only designate one enemy as quarry at a time.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc ranger hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Hit the Dirt (immediate interrupt)
When the half-orc ranger is hit by an area attack or a close attack.
Shift 2 squares.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc ranger is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc ranger gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc ranger gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.
Two-Blade Fighting Style
The half-orc ranger can wield a one-handed weapon in the half-orc ranger’s off hand as if it were an off-hand weapon. In addition, the half-orc ranger gains Toughness as a bonus feat.
Toughness [Feat]
The half-orc ranger gains an additional +15 hit points.

Skills Nature +20, Perception +20
Str 25 (+20); Dex 23 (+19); Wis 15 (+15);
Con 14 (+15); Int 12 (+14); Cha 13 (+14)
Equipment hide armor, longsword, longsword, longbow

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Brawny Rogue [Level 26 Skirmisher]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +20; Senses Perception +14; low-light
HP 230; Bloodied 115
Healing Surges (+57 hp) ○○○
AC 42; Fortitude 39, Reflex 42, Will 35
Speed 6

● [m] Short Sword (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 2d6 + 16 damage.
● [r] Shuriken (standard) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 6/12; +33 vs. AC; 2d6 + 17 damage.
● [M] Piercing Strike (standard) ✦ Weapon
+33 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 17 damage.
□ [M] Ghost on the Wind (standard) ✦ Weapon
+33 vs. Will; 6d6 + 17 damage, and the half-orc rogue becomes invisible. The half-orc rogue shifts into any square adjacent to the target and reappear at the start of the half-orc rogue’s next turn. The half-orc rogue has combat advantage against the target until the end of the half-orc rogue’s next turn. Miss: Half damage, the half-orc rogue can shift 1 square to another square adjacent to the target, and the half-orc rogue has combat advantage against the target until the end of the half-orc rogue’s next turn.
Dazzling Acrobatics (move)
The half-orc rogue can shift twice the half-orc rogue’s speed. The half-orc rogue can climb at full speed as part of this move. If an enemy attacks the half-orc rogue while the half-orc rogue shifts, the half-orc rogue gains a +4 bonus to AC against that attack.
○ [M] Scorpion Strike (immediate reaction) ✦ Weapon
When an ally damages a creature adjacent to the half-orc rogue.
Targets the creature the half-orc rogue’s ally damaged; +33 vs. AC; 2d6 + 17 damage.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc rogue hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc rogue is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc rogue gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc rogue gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.
First Strike
At the start of an encounter, the half-orc rogue has combat advantage against any creatures that have not yet acted in that encounter.
Rogue Weapon Talent
When wielding a shuriken, the half-orc rogue’s weapon damage die increases by one size. When wielding a dagger, the half-orc rogue gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls.
Sneak Attack
Once per round, when the half-orc rogue has combat advantage against an enemy and hits that enemy with an attack using a rogue weapon, the half-orc rogue deals an extra 5d6 damage.

Skills Acrobatics +25, Thievery +25
Str 23 (+19); Dex 25 (+20); Wis 13 (+14);
Con 14 (+15); Int 12 (+14); Cha 15 (+15)
Equipment leather armor, short sword, shuriken

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Trickster Rogue [Level 26 Skirmisher]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +20; Senses Perception +19; low-light
HP 230; Bloodied 115
Healing Surges (+57 hp) ○○○
AC 42; Fortitude 36, Reflex 42, Will 38
Speed 6

● [m] Short Sword (standard) ✦ Weapon
+29 vs. AC; 2d6 + 13 damage.
● [r] Hand Crossbow (standard) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +32 vs. AC; 2d6 + 17 damage.
● [M/R] Deft Strike (standard) ✦ Weapon
Short Sword: +33 vs. AC; 2d6 + 17 damage.
Hand Crossbow: Ranged 10/20; +32 vs. AC; 2d6 + 17 damage.
The half-orc rogue can move 2 squares before the attack.
○ [M/R] Knave’s Gambit (standard) ✦ Weapon
Short Sword: +33 vs. AC; 4d6 + 17 damage.
Hand Crossbow: Ranged 10/20; +32 vs. AC; 4d6 + 17 damage.
Miss: The target makes a melee basic attack as a free action against an adjacent target other than the half-orc rogue. The half-orc rogue chooses the target of its attack.
□ [M/R] Hamstring (standard) ✦ Weapon
Short Sword: +33 vs. AC; 4d6 + 17 damage.
Hand Crossbow: Ranged 10/20; +32 vs. AC; 4d6 + 17 damage.
Hit: The target takes ongoing 10 damage and is slowed (save ends both). Miss: Half damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 damage and is slowed (save ends both).
Hide from the Light (minor)
The half-orc rogue must already be hidden to use this power. The half-orc rogue is invisible until the end of the encounter or until the half-orc rogue ends the effect by moving more than 2 squares in a turn or by making any attack other than a basic attack or an at-will attack.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc rogue hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc rogue is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc rogue gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc rogue gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.
First Strike
At the start of an encounter, the half-orc rogue has combat advantage against any creatures that have not yet acted in that encounter.
Rogue Weapon Talent
When wielding a shuriken, the half-orc rogue’s weapon damage die increases by one size. When wielding a dagger, the half-orc rogue gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls.
Sneak Attack
Once per round, when the half-orc rogue has combat advantage against an enemy and hits that enemy with an attack using a rogue weapon, the half-orc rogue deals an extra 5d6 damage.

Skills Stealth +25, Thievery +25
Str 17 (+16); Dex 25 (+20); Wis 13 (+14);
Con 14 (+15); Int 12 (+14); Cha 21 (+18)
Equipment leather armor, short sword, hand crossbow

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Fey-Pact Warlock [Level 26 Skirmisher]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +15; Senses Perception +15; low-light
HP 231; Bloodied 115
Healing Surges (+57 hp) ○○○
AC 40; Fortitude 35, Reflex 39, Will 40
Speed 6

● [m] Spear (standard) ✦ Weapon
+27 vs. AC; 2d8 + 12 damage.
● [r] Eldritch Blast (standard)
Ranged 10; +29 vs. Reflex; 2d10 + 16 damage.
● [R] Eyebite (standard) ✦ Charm, Psychic
Ranged 10; +29 vs. Will; 2d6 + 16 psychic damage, and the half-orc warlock is invisible to the target until the start of the half-orc warlock’s next turn.
○ [R] Thorns of Venom (standard) ✦ Poison
Ranged 10; +29 vs. Fortitude; 3d8 + 16 poison damage, and the target is immobilized and takes a –6 penalty to AC and Reflex defense until the end of the half-orc warlock’s next turn.
□ [R] Curse of the Twin Princes (standard) ✦ Illusion, Psychic
Ranged 5; +29 vs. Will; 4d10 + 16 psychic damage. Until the end of the encounter, every time the half-orc warlock takes damage, the half-orc warlock makes a +29 vs. Will attack against the target; if the attack hits, the half-orc warlock takes half damage and the target takes the other half. Hit or Miss: Until the end of the encounter, whenever the half-orc warlock is adjacent to the target, the images of the half-orc warlock both begin to flow together, such that anyone who attacks one has a 50% chance of accidentally hitting the other instead.
Raven’s Glamor (move) ✦ Illusion, Teleportation
The half-orc warlock becomes invisible until the start of the half-orc warlock’s next turn and teleports 20 squares. The half-orc warlock leaves behind an illusory image of the half-orc warlock that persists as long as the half-orc warlock is invisible. This image stands in place, takes no actions, and uses the half-orc warlock’s defenses if it is attacked. If the illusion is touched or takes any damage, it dissolves into a pile of dead leaves. If the half-orc warlock makes an attack, the half-orc warlock becomes visible. Sustain Standard: The half-orc warlock remains invisible as long as the half-orc warlock doesn’t make an attack.
Warlock’s Curse (minor)
The half-orc warlock places a Warlock’s Curse on the nearest visible enemy. Once per round when hitting a cursed enemy, the half-orc warlock can deal an extra 3d6 damage. The Warlock’s Curse remains in effect until the end of the encounter or until the cursed enemy drops to 0 hit points or fewer. The half-orc warlock can only curse one target per turn.
Misty Step (free)
When a cursed enemy is reduced to 0 hit points or less.
The half-orc warlock can immediately teleport 3 squares.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc warlock hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc warlock is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc warlock gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc warlock gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.

Skills Arcana +23, Bluff +24
Str 14 (+15); Dex 15 (+15); Wis 14 (+15);
Con 15 (+15); Int 21 (+18); Cha 23 (+19)
Equipment leather armor, spear

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Infernal-Pact Warlock [Level 26 Skirmisher]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +16; Senses Perception +14; low-light
HP 239; Bloodied 119
Healing Surges (+59 hp) ○○○
AC 40; Fortitude 39, Reflex 39, Will 36
Speed 6

● [m] Mace (standard) ✦ Weapon
+27 vs. AC; 2d8 + 12 damage.
● [r] Eldritch Blast (standard)
Ranged 10; +29 vs. Reflex; 2d10 + 16 damage.
● [R] Hellish Rebuke (standard) ✦ Fire
Ranged 10; +29 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 16 fire damage. If the half-orc warlock takes damage before the end of the half-orc warlock’s next turn, the target takes an extra 2d6 + 16 fire damage.
○ [C] Spiteful Darts (standard)
Close blast 5; +29 vs. Reflex; 4d8 + 16 damage, and the target is pushed 8 squares.
□ [R] Tartarean Tomb (standard)
Ranged 10; +29 vs. Reflex; 5d10 + 16 damage, and the target is entombed (save ends). An entombed target is immobilized and lacks line of sight and line of effect to any space other than its own. All creatures other than the half-orc warlock cannot gain line of sight or line of effect to the target. Miss: Half damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends).
Warlock’s Curse (minor)
The half-orc warlock places a Warlock’s Curse on the nearest visible enemy. Once per round when hitting a cursed enemy, the half-orc warlock can deal an extra 3d6 damage. The Warlock’s Curse remains in effect until the end of the encounter or until the cursed enemy drops to 0 hit points or fewer. The half-orc warlock can only curse one target per turn.
Wings of the Fiend (minor) ✦ Polymorph
The half-orc warlock grows wings and gains a fly speed equal to the half-orc warlock’s speed until the end of the encounter or for 5 minutes.
Dark One’s Blessing (free)
When a cursed enemy is reduced to 0 hit points or less.
The half-orc warlock gains 26 temporary hit points.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc warlock hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc warlock is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc warlock gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc warlock gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.

Skills Arcana +23, Intimidate +22
Str 14 (+15); Dex 16 (+16); Wis 13 (+14);
Con 23 (+19); Int 21 (+18); Cha 15 (+15)
Equipment leather armor, mace

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Star-Pact Warlock [Level 26 Skirmisher]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +16; Senses Perception +14; low-light
HP 239; Bloodied 119
Healing Surges (+59 hp) ○○○
AC 38; Fortitude 39, Reflex 37, Will 39
Speed 6

● [m] Sickle (standard) ✦ Weapon
+27 vs. AC; 2d6 + 12 damage.
● [r] Eldritch Blast (standard)
Ranged 10; +29 vs. Reflex; 2d10 + 16 damage.
● [R] Dire Radiance (standard) ✦ Fear, Radiant
Ranged 10; +29 vs. Fortitude; 2d6 + 16 radiant damage. If the target moves nearer to the half-orc warlock on its next turn, it takes an extra 2d6 + 16 damage.
○ [R] Dark Transport (standard) ✦ Teleportation
Ranged 10; +28 vs. Will; 4d10 + 15 damage, and the half-orc warlock can swap places with the target. After swapping places with the target, the half-orc warlock can teleport 2 squares..
□ [R] Thirteen Baleful Stars (standard) ✦ Fear, Fire, Psychic
Ranged 10; +29 vs. Will; 5d10 + 16 fire and psychic damage, and the target is stunned until the end of the half-orc warlock’s next turn. Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the half-orc warlock’s next turn.
Warlock’s Curse (minor)
The half-orc warlock places a Warlock’s Curse on the nearest visible enemy. Once per round when hitting a cursed enemy, the half-orc warlock can deal an extra 3d6 damage. The Warlock’s Curse remains in effect until the end of the encounter or until the cursed enemy drops to 0 hit points or fewer. The half-orc warlock can only curse one target per turn.
Entropic Ward (minor)
Until the end of the half-orc warlock’s next turn, anyone who attacks the half-orc warlock must roll two dice and take the lower result. Each time an attack misses due to this effect, the half-orc warlock gains a cumulative +1 power bonus to the half-orc warlock’s next attack roll.
Fate of the Void (free)
When a cursed enemy is reduced to 0 hit points or less.
The half-orc warlock gains a +1 bonus to a single d20 roll the half-orc warlock makes during the half-orc warlock’s next turn. This bonus is cumulative; if three cursed enemies drop, the bonus increases to +3.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc warlock hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc warlock is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc warlock gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc warlock gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.

Skills Arcana +20, Insight +19
Str 14 (+15); Dex 16 (+16); Wis 13 (+14);
Con 23 (+19); Int 15 (+15); Cha 21 (+18)
Equipment leather armor, sickle

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Inspiring Warlord [Level 26 Soldier (Leader)]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +17; Senses Perception +14; low-light
HP 230; Bloodied 115
Healing Surges (+57 hp) ○○○
AC 39; Fortitude 41, Reflex 35, Will 39
Speed 5

● [m] Halberd (standard) ✦ Weapon
Reach 1; +32 vs. AC; 2d10 + 17 damage.
● [r] Javelin (standard) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +32 vs. AC; 2d6 + 17 damage.
● [M] Furious Smash (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. Fortitude; 7 damage, and choose one ally adjacent to either the half-orc warlord or the target. On his or her next attack against the target, this ally gains a +5 bonus to the attack roll and the damage roll. If the ally does not attack the target by the end of his or her next turn, the bonus is lost.
○ [M] Great Dragon War Cry (standard) ✦ Fear, Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 3d10 + 17 damage, and the target is weakened until the end of the half-orc warlord’s next turn. Until the end of the encounter, the half-orc warlord’s allies gain a +5 power bonus to their attack rolls against weakened enemies.
□ [M] White Raven’s Call (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 6d10 + 17 damage, and the half-orc warlord and all of the half-orc warlord’s allies within 10 squares of the half-orc warlord makes saving throws against any single effect that a save can end. Miss: Each of the half-orc warlord’s allies within 10 squares of the half-orc warlord makes a saving throw against any effect that the target caused and that a save can end.
Heart of the Titan (standard)
The half-orc warlord or one ally within 10 squares gains temporary hit points equal to his or her healing surge value + 5. Until the target loses as many temporary hit points as he or she gained from this power, the target adds +5 to damage rolls and can’t be dazed, immobilized, pulled, pushed, restrained, slid, slowed, stunned, or weakened.
○○○ Inspiring Word (minor) ✦ Healing
The half-orc warlord or one ally within 15 squares can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 6d6 hit points. This power can only be used once per round.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc warlord hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc warlord is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc warlord gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc warlord gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.
Inspiring Presence
When an ally who can see the half-orc warlord spends an action point to take an extra action, that ally also regains 18 lost hit points.
Combat Leader
The half-orc warlord and each ally within 10 squares who can see and hear the half-orc warlord gains a +2 power bonus to initiative.

Skills Heal +19, History +20
Str 25 (+20); Dex 15 (+15); Wis 12 (+14);
Con 14 (+15); Int 15 (+15); Cha 21 (+18)
Equipment chainmail, halberd, javelin

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Tactical Warlord [Level 26 Soldier (Leader)]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +17; Senses Perception +14; low-light
HP 230; Bloodied 115
Healing Surges (+57 hp) ○○○
AC 42; Fortitude 41, Reflex 39, Will 36
Speed 6

● [m] Longsword (standard) ✦ Weapon
+33 vs. AC; 2d8 + 17 damage.
● [r] Javelin (standard) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +32 vs. AC; 2d6 + 17 damage.
● [M] Wolf Pack Tactics (standard) ✦ Weapon
+33 vs. AC; 2d8 + 17 damage. Before the half-orc warlord attacks, one ally adjacent to either the half-orc warlord or the target may shift 1 square as a free action.
○ [M] Sudden Assault (standard) ✦ Weapon
+33 vs. AC; 1d8 + 17 damage, and an ally of the half-orc warlord’s choice within 5 squares of the half-orc warlord takes a standard action. The half-orc warlord’s ally gains a +5 power bonus to attack rolls against targets adjacent to the half-orc warlord for attacks made with this extra standard action.
□ [R] Stir the Hornet’s Nest (standard) ✦ Weapon
Must be wielding a heavy thrown weapon.
Ranged 10/20; +32 vs. AC; 6d6 + 17 damage. Until the end of the encounter, the half-orc warlord’s allies add +5 to attack rolls and damage rolls when making ranged attacks against the target. Miss: Each ally makes a ranged basic attack against the target as a free action, with a +5 bonus to the attack roll and the damage.
Own the Battlefield (standard)
Close burst 10; targets visible enemies; the half-orc warlord slides each target 5 squares.
○○○ Inspiring Word (minor) ✦ Healing
The half-orc warlord or one ally within 15 squares can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 6d6 hit points. This power can only be used once per round.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc warlord hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc warlord is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc warlord gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc warlord gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.
Tactical Presence
When an ally the half-orc warlord can see spends an action point to make an extra attack, the ally gains a +5 bonus to the attack roll.
Combat Leader
The half-orc warlord and each ally within 10 squares who can see and hear the half-orc warlord gains a +2 power bonus to initiative.

Skills Heal +19, History +23
Str 25 (+20); Dex 15 (+15); Wis 12 (+14);
Con 14 (+15); Int 21 (+18); Cha 15 (+15)
Equipment hide armor, light shield, longsword, javelin

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Control Wizard [Level 26 Artillery]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +16; Senses Perception +18; low-light
HP 176; Bloodied 88
Healing Surges (+44 hp) ○○○
AC 39; Fortitude 35, Reflex 39, Will 40
Speed 6

● [m] Quarterstaff (standard) ✦ Weapon
+27 vs. AC; 2d8 + 12 damage.
● [R] Ray of Frost (standard) ✦ Cold
Ranged 10; +29 vs. Fortitude; 2d6 + 16 cold damage, and the target is slowed until the end of the half-orc wizard’s next turn.
○ [A] Acid Storm (standard) ✦ Acid
Area burst 4 within 10; +29 vs. Fortitude; 4d6 + 16 acid damage. Hit or Miss: The cloud blocks line of sight, providing total concealment to creatures inside it. Any creature that enters the cloud or starts its turn there takes 10 acid damage. The cloud lasts until the end of the half-orc wizard’s next turn, or the half-orc wizard can dismiss it as a minor action.
□ [A] Necrotic Web (standard) ✦ Necrotic, Zone
Area burst 3 within 20; +29 vs. Reflex; 4d6 + 16 necrotic damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends). Hit or Miss: The burst creates a web-filled zone until the end of the encounter or for 5 minutes. The zone is difficult terrain. Any creature in the web at the start of its turn takes 4d6 necrotic damage. Any creature that ends its move in the web is immobilized (save ends).
Time Stop (minor)
The half-orc wizard gains two extra standard actions, which the half-orc wizard can’t use to attack other creatures.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc wizard hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Orb of Imposition (free)
The half-orc wizard can choose one creature suffering from one of the half-orc wizard’s wizard spells whose effect ends on a saving throw. That creature takes a -5 penalty to its saving throws against that effect. Alternatively, the half-orc wizard can extend the duration a wizard at-will spell whose effect is ending at the end of the half-orc wizard’s current turn, so that it lasts instead until the end of the half-orc wizard’s next turn.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc wizard is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc wizard gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc wizard gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.

Skills Arcana +24, Insight +23
Str 14 (+15); Dex 17 (+16); Wis 21 (+18);
Con 14 (+15); Int 23 (+19); Cha 13 (+14)
Equipment cloth armor, quarterstaff, orb

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc War Wizard [Level 26 Artillery]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +19; Senses Perception +15; low-light
HP 176; Bloodied 88
Healing Surges (+44 hp) ○○○
AC 39; Fortitude 35, Reflex 39, Will 37
Speed 6

● [m] Quarterstaff (standard) ✦ Weapon
+27 vs. AC; 2d8 + 12 damage.
● [A] Scorching Burst (standard) ✦ Fire
Area burst 1 within 10; +29 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 16 fire damage.
○ [R] Chain Lightning (standard) ✦ Lightning
Ranged 20; +29 vs. Reflex; 4d6 + 16 lightning damage. Hit or Miss: Make a secondary attack against two creatures within 5 squares of the primary target and a tertiary attack against other enemies within 20 squares. Secondary Attack: +29 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 16 lightning damage. Tertiary Attack: +29 vs. Reflex; 1d6 + 16 lightning damage.
□ [C] Prismatic Spray (standard) ✦ Fear, Fire, Poison
Close burst 5; targets enemies; +29 vs. Fortitude, Reflex, Will. The half-orc wizard makes only one attack per target, but compare that attack result against all three defenses. If the attack hits:
Fortitude: The target takes 3d6 + 16 poison damage, and is slowed (save ends).
Reflex: The target takes 3d6 + 16 fire damage, and ongoing 15 fire damage (save ends).
Will: The target is stunned (save ends).
A target might be subject to any, all, or none of the effects depending on how many of its defenses were hit. The target must make a saving throw against each ongoing effect separately.
Mass Fly (standard)
The half-orc wizard and each ally within 5 squares gain a speed of fly 8 until the end of the half-orc wizard’s next turn. Sustain Minor: The half-orc wizard can sustain this power until the end of the encounter or for 5 minutes. If the half-orc wizard does not sustain this power, all targets float to the ground without taking falling damage.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc wizard hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Wand of Accuracy (free)
The half-orc wizard gains a +6 bonus to a single attack roll.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc wizard is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc wizard gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc wizard gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.

Skills Arcana +24, History +24
Str 14 (+15); Dex 23 (+19); Wis 15 (+15);
Con 14 (+15); Int 23 (+19); Cha 13 (+14)
Equipment cloth armor, quarterstaff, wand

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Isolating Avenger [Level 26 Skirmisher]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +15; Senses Perception +19; low-light
HP 230; Bloodied 115
Healing Surges (+57 hp) ○○○
AC 41; Fortitude 37, Reflex 39, Will 40
Speed 6

● [m] Greatsword (standard) ✦ Weapon
+29 vs. AC; 2d10 + 13 damage.
● [r] Javelin (standard) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +28 vs. AC; 2d6 + 13 damage.
● [M] Overwhelming Strike (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 2d10 + 16 damage, and the half-orc avenger shifts 1 square, sliding the target 1 square into the space the half-orc avenger occupied.
○ [M] Phase Duel (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 3d10 + 16 damage, and until the end of the half-orc avenger’s next turn, the half-orc avenger and the target are immobilized. In addition, no other creature has line of sight or line of effect to either the target or the half-orc avenger, both of whom have line of sight and line of effect only to each other. This effect ends if the immobilized condition ends on either the target or the half-orc avenger before the end of the half-orc avenger’s next turn. Hit or Miss: Until the end of the half-orc avenger’s next turn, the half-orc avenger gains a +5 bonus to all defenses against the target’s attacks.
□ [M] Aspect of Death (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. Fortitude; 6d10 + 16 damage, and the target takes 10 damage at the start of its turn if the half-orc avenger is within 5 squares of it (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and the target takes 5 damage at the start of its turn if the half-orc avenger is within 5 squares of it (save ends).
○ [C] Oath of Enmity (minor)
Choose one enemy the half-orc avenger can see in within 10 squares. When the half-orc avenger makes a melee attack against the target and the target is the only enemy adjacent to the half-orc avenger, the half-orc avenger makes two attack rolls and use either result. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter or until the target drops to 0 hit points, at which point the half-orc avenger regains the use of this power.
○ [C] Divine Guidance (immediate interrupt) ✦ Channel Divinity
When an ally within 10 squares of the half-orc avenger makes an attack roll against the half-orc avenger’s oath of enmity target.
The ally makes a second attack roll and uses either result.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc avenger hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Oath of the Final Strike (immediate interrupt)
When an attack reduces the half-orc avenger to 0 hit points or fewer and doesn’t kill you.
The half-orc avenger is dying but doesn’t fall unconscious. Until the end of the half-orc avenger’s next turn, the half-orc avenger doesn’t take any damage after the triggering attack, and the half-orc avenger gains a +4 bonus to attack rolls. At the end of the half-orc avenger’s next turn, the half-orc avenger falls unconscious if the half-orc avenger is still dying.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc avenger is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc avenger gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc avenger gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.
Censure of Retribution
When any enemy other than the half-orc avenger’s oath of enmity target hits the half-orc avenger, the half-orc avenger gains a +5 bonus to damage rolls against the half-orc avenger’s oath of enmity target until the end of the half-orc avenger’s next turn. This bonus is cumulative.
Armor of Faith
The favor of the half-orc avenger’s deity wards the half-orc avenger from harm. While the half-orc avenger is neither wearing heavy armor nor using a shield, the half-orc avenger gains a +3 bonus to AC.

Skills Athletics +21, Religion +23
Str 17 (+16); Dex 15 (+15); Wis 23 (+19);
Con 14 (+15); Int 21 (+18); Cha 12 (+14)
Equipment cloth armor, greatsword, javelin, holy symbol

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Pursuing Avenger [Level 26 Skirmisher]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +19; Senses Perception +19; low-light
HP 230; Bloodied 115
Healing Surges (+57 hp) ○○○
AC 42; Fortitude 37, Reflex 40, Will 40
Speed 6

● [m] Greatsword (standard) ✦ Weapon
+29 vs. AC; 2d10 + 13 damage.
● [r] Crossbow (standard) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 15/30; +31 vs. AC; 2d8 + 16 damage.
● [M] Bond of Pursuit (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 2d10 + 16 damage, and if the target doesn’t end its next turn adjacent to the half-orc avenger, the half-orc avenger can shift 7 squares as a free action. The half-orc avenger must end that shift closer to the target.
○ [M] Bond of Justice (standard) ✦ Radiant, Teleportation, Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 4d10 + 16 radiant damage, and if the target is not adjacent to the half-orc avenger at the start of the half-orc avenger’s next turn, the half-orc avenger gains a +4 bonus to attack rolls against it until the end of that turn. During that turn, the half-orc avenger can teleport to a space adjacent to the target as a move action, doing 11 radiant damage to the target.
□ [R] Bond of Destiny (standard) ✦ Psychic, Teleportation
Ranged 20; +29 vs. Will; 6d8 + 16 psychic damage. Miss: Half damage. Hit or Miss: The target suffers a bond of destiny (save ends). Until the bond ends, the half-orc avenger can teleport to a space adjacent to the target as a minor action. The half-orc avenger doesn’t need line of sight to the destination space. Aftereffect: The half-orc avenger can teleport to a space adjacent to the target as a free action once. The half-orc avenger doesn’t need line of sight to the destination space.
○ [C] Oath of Enmity (minor)
Choose one enemy the half-orc avenger can see in within 10 squares. When the half-orc avenger makes a melee attack against the target and the target is the only enemy adjacent to the half-orc avenger, the half-orc avenger makes two attack rolls and use either result. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter or until the target drops to 0 hit points, at which point the half-orc avenger regains the use of this power.
Ghostly Vengeance (minor)
Until the end of the encounter, the half-orc avenger gains phasing, and the half-orc avenger takes half damage from opportunity attacks.
○ [C] Divine Guidance (immediate interrupt) ✦ Channel Divinity
When an ally within 10 squares of the half-orc avenger makes an attack roll against the half-orc avenger’s oath of enmity target.
The ally makes a second attack roll and uses either result.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc avenger hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc avenger is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc avenger gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc avenger gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.
Censure of Pursuit
If the half-orc avenger’s oath of enmity target moves away from the half-orc avenger willingly, the half-orc avenger gains a +12 bonus to damage rolls against the target until the end of the half-orc avenger’s next turn.
Armor of Faith
The favor of the half-orc avenger’s deity wards the half-orc avenger from harm. While the half-orc avenger is neither wearing heavy armor nor using a shield, the half-orc avenger gains a +3 bonus to AC.

Skills Religion +19, Stealth +24
Str 17 (+16); Dex 23 (+19); Wis 23 (+19);
Con 14 (+15); Int 13 (+14); Cha 12 (+14)
Equipment cloth armor, greatsword, crossbow, holy symbol

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Rageblood Barbarian [Level 26 Brute]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +16; Senses Perception +19; low-light
HP 291; Bloodied 145
Healing Surges (+72 hp) ○○○
AC 42; Fortitude 42, Reflex 39, Will 35
Speed 6

● [m] Greataxe (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 2d12 + 17 damage (crit 41 + 3d12).
● [r] Javelin (standard) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +32 vs. AC; 2d6 + 17 damage.
● [M] Devastating Strike (standard) ✦ Weapon
Must be wielding a two-handed weapon.
+32 vs. AC; 2d12 + 3d8 + 17 damage (crit 65 + 3d12). Hit or Miss: Until the start of the half-orc barbarian’s next turn, any attacker gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against the half-orc barbarian. If the half-orc barbarian is raging, attackers do not gain this bonus.
○ [M] Fatal Strike (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 4d12 + 22 damage (crit 70 + 3d12), and the target cannot regain hit points until the start of the half-orc barbarian’s next turn.
□ [M] Ash Hammer Rage (standard) ✦ Rage, Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 7d12 + 17 damage (crit 101 + 3d12), and the target is pushed 5 squares. Miss: Half damage, and the target is pushed 1 square. Hit or Miss: The half-orc barbarian enters the rage of the ash hammer. Until the rage ends, whenever the half-orc barbarian hits with an attack, the half-orc barbarian gains 12 temporary hit points. If that attack already grants temporary hit points to the half-orc barbarian, add +2 to the number of temporary hit points the half-orc barbarian gains.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc barbarian hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Swift Charge (free)
When the half-orc barbarian’s attack reduces an enemy to 0 hit points.
The half-orc barbarian charges an enemy.
Primal Vigor (immediate interrupt)
When the half-orc barbarian is hit by an attack.
Until the end of the half-orc barbarian’s next turn, the half-orc barbarian gains resist 18 to all damage.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc barbarian is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc barbarian gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc barbarian gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.
Rageblood Vigor
Whenever the half-orc barbarian’s attack reduces an enemy to 0 hit points, the half-orc barbarian gains 15 temporary hit points.
Barbarian Agility
While the half-orc barbarian is not wearing heavy armor, the half-orc barbarian gains a +3 bonus to AC and Reflex.

Skills Athletics +24, Perception +19
Str 25 (+20); Dex 16 (+16); Wis 13 (+14);
Con 21 (+18); Int 12 (+14); Cha 15 (+15)
Equipment hide armor, greataxe, javelin

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Thaneborn Barbarian [Level 26 Brute]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +16; Senses Perception +19; low-light
HP 285; Bloodied 142
Healing Surges (+71 hp) ○○○
AC 42; Fortitude 42, Reflex 39, Will 38
Speed 6

● [m] Greataxe (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 2d12 + 17 damage (crit 41 + 3d12).
● [r] Javelin (standard) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +32 vs. AC; 2d6 + 17 damage.
● [M] Howling Strike (standard) ✦ Weapon
Must be wielding a two-handed weapon.
+32 vs. AC; 2d12 + 3d6 + 17 damage (crit 59 + 3d12). When charging, the half-orc barbarian can use this power in place of a melee basic attack. If the half-orc barbarian is raging, the half-orc barbarian can move 2 extra squares as part of the charge.
○ [M] Berserker’s Shout (standard) ✦ Fear, Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 5d12 + 17 damage (crit 77 + 3d12), and each enemy adjacent to the half-orc barbarian takes a –5 penalty to attack rolls until the end of the half-orc barbarian’s next turn.
□ [M] Stone Tempest Rage (standard) ✦ Rage, Thunder, Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 7d12 + 17 thunder damage (crit 101 + 3d12), and the half-orc barbarian knocks the target prone. Miss: Half damage. Hit or Miss: The half-orc barbarian enters the rage of the stone tempest. Until the rage ends, the half-orc barbarian can score a critical hit on a roll of 18–20.
Untouched (minor)
The half-orc barbarian makes a saving throw against each effect on the half-orc barbarian that a save can end. The half-orc barbarian gains a +2 bonus to each saving throw.
○ [C] Roar of Triumph (free) ✦ Fear
When the half-orc barbarian’s attack reduces an enemy to 0 hit points.
Each enemy within 5 squares takes a –2 penalty to all defenses until the end of the half-orc barbarian’s next turn.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc barbarian hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc barbarian is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc barbarian gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc barbarian gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.
Thaneborn Triumph
Whenever the half-orc barbarian bloodies an enemy, the next attack by the half-orc barbarian or an ally against that enemy gains a +5 bonus to the attack roll.
Barbarian Agility
While the half-orc barbarian is not wearing heavy armor, the half-orc barbarian gains a +3 bonus to AC and Reflex.

Skills Athletics +24, Perception +19
Str 25 (+20); Dex 16 (+16); Wis 13 (+14);
Con 15 (+15); Int 12 (+14); Cha 21 (+18)
Equipment hide armor, greataxe, javelin

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Cunning Bard [Level 26 Controller (Leader)]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +15; Senses Perception +19; low-light
HP 231; Bloodied 115
Healing Surges (+57 hp) ○○○
AC 42; Fortitude 36, Reflex 40, Will 40
Speed 6

● [m] Longsword (standard) ✦ Weapon
+29 vs. AC; 2d8 + 13 damage.
● [R] Vicious Mockery (standard) ✦ Charm, Psychic
Ranged 10; +29 vs. Will; 2d6 + 16 psychic damage, and the target takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of the half-orc bard’s next turn.
○ [R] Echoes in Time (standard) ✦ Force, Teleportation
Ranged 10; +29 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 16 force damage. Each ally within 10 squares of the half-orc bard, as the last action of his or her next turn, can teleport as a free action back to the space where he or she started that turn. Until the start of the half-orc bard’s next turn, an ally who teleports using this power also gains a +5 power bonus to all defenses.
□ [C] Frenzied Rhythm (standard) ✦ Charm
Close burst 5; targets enemies; +29 vs. Will; the half-orc bard slides the target 5 squares, the target makes a basic attack as a free action against a creature of the half-orc bard’s choice, and the target is then stunned until the end of the half-orc bard’s next turn. Miss: The target is dazed until the end of the half-orc bard’s next turn.
○○○ Majestic Word (minor) ✦ Healing
The half-orc bard or one ally within 15 squares can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 5d6 + 6 hit points. This power can only be used once per round. The half-orc bard can also slide the target 1 square.
Mirrored Entourage (minor) ✦ Illusion
Each ally within 20 squares gains two illusory duplicates that last until the end of the encounter. Until the duplicates disappear, the duplicates share the target’s space and move with him or her. In addition, the target gains a +4 power bonus to AC. When an attack against AC misses the target, one of that target’s duplicates disappears, and the power bonus to AC decreases by 2.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc bard hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc bard is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc bard gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc bard gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.
Virtue of Cunning
Once per round, when an enemy attack misses an ally within 10 squares of the half-orc bard, the half-orc bard can slide that ally 1 square as a free action.
Skill Versatility
The half-orc bard gains a +1 bonus to untrained skill checks.

Skills Arcana +23, Bluff +24
Str 16 (+16); Dex 15 (+15); Wis 12 (+14);
Con 15 (+15); Int 21 (+18); Cha 23 (+19)
Equipment hide armor, light shield, longsword

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Valorous Bard [Level 26 Controller (Leader)]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +15; Senses Perception +19; low-light
HP 237; Bloodied 118
Healing Surges (+59 hp) ○○○
AC 40; Fortitude 38, Reflex 37, Will 40
Speed 5

● [m] Longsword (standard) ✦ Weapon
+29 vs. AC; 2d8 + 13 damage.
● [M] Guiding Strike (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 2d8 + 16 damage, and the target takes a –2 penalty to the defense of the half-orc bard’s choice until the end of the half-orc bard’s next turn.
○ [M] Weal and Woe (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 3d8 + 16 damage, and one ally adjacent to the target makes a saving throw with a +5 power bonus and gains a +5 power bonus to his or her next attack roll against the target.
□ [R] Adversarial Song (standard) ✦ Charm, Psychic
Ranged 10; +29 vs. Will; 3d10 + 16 psychic damage. Miss: Half damage. Hit or Miss: Choose an ally within 10 squares of the half-orc bard. The target deals half damage to any of the half-orc bard’s allies except the chosen ally (save ends). In addition, that ally deals 1d10 extra damage on a hit against the target until the end of the encounter.
○○○ Majestic Word (minor) ✦ Healing
The half-orc bard or one ally within 15 squares can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 5d6 + 6 hit points. This power can only be used once per round. The half-orc bard can also slide the target 1 square.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc bard hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Elegy Unwritten (immediate interrupt) ✦ Healing
When an ally within 5 squares of the half-orc bard dies.
The ally regains hit points as if he or she had spent a healing surge. In addition, the ally can stand up and shift 2 squares as a free action.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc bard is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc bard gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc bard gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.
Virtue of Valor
Once per round, when any ally within 5 squares of the half-orc bard reduces an enemy to 0 hit points or bloodies an enemy, the half-orc bard can grant 10 temporary hit points to that ally as a free action.
Skill Versatility
The half-orc bard gains a +1 bonus to untrained skill checks.

Skills Arcana +20, Athletics +20
Str 16 (+16); Dex 15 (+15); Wis 12 (+14);
Con 21 (+18); Int 15 (+15); Cha 23 (+19)
Equipment chainmail, light shield, longsword

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Guardian Druid [Level 26 Controller]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +16; Senses Perception +19; low-light
HP 237; Bloodied 118
Healing Surges (+59 hp) ○○○
AC 41; Fortitude 38, Reflex 37, Will 40
Speed 6

● [m] Scythe (standard) ✦ Weapon
+28 vs. AC; 4d4 + 13 damage.
● [M] Grasping Claws (standard) ✦ Beast Form
+29 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 16 damage, and the target is slowed until the end of the half-orc druid’s next turn. This power can be used as a melee basic attack.
● [A] Chill Wind (standard) ✦ Cold
Area burst 1 within 10; +29 vs. Fortitude; 2d6 + 10 cold damage, and the target slides 1 square.
○ [A] Stormburst (standard) ✦ Lightning
Area burst 2 within 20; +29 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 16 lightning damage, and the target is slowed until the end of the half-orc druid’s next turn. Hit or Miss: Until the end of the half-orc druid’s next turn, any creature that enters the area of the burst or starts its turn there takes 5 lightning damage.
□ [A] Primal Storm (standard) ✦ Fire, Lightning, Zone
Area burst 4 within 20; targets enemies; +29 vs. Fortitude; 4d6 + 16 fire and lightning damage, and the primary target is knocked prone. Miss: Half damage. Hit or Miss: The burst creates a zone of raging wind that lasts until the end of the half-orc druid’s next turn. While the zone persists, the half-orc druid can make the following secondary attack, using a square within the zone as the attack’s origin square. Secondary attack: Close burst 1; +29 vs. Reflex; the target cannot stand up during its current turn. Triggered when a prone enemy within the zone stands up. Sustain Minor: The zone persists.
Unyielding Roots (standard) ✦ Healing
The half-orc druid and each ally with 5 squares grows revitalizing roots. Until the end of the half-orc druid’s next turn, each target can negate being pulled, pushed, or slid. In addition, if a target is bloodied at the start of his or her turn, he or she regains 5 hit points. Sustain Minor: The effect persists.
Wild Shape (minor) ✦ Polymorph
The half-orc druid changes from the half-orc druid’s humanoid form to beast form or vice versa. When the half-orc druid changes from beast form back to the half-orc druid’s humanoid form, the half-orc druid shifts 1 square. While the half-orc druid is in beast form, the half-orc druid can’t use attack, utility, or feat powers that lack the beast form keyword, although the half-orc druid can sustain such powers. The half-orc druid can use this power once per round.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc druid hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc druid is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc druid gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc druid gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.
Primal Guardian
While the half-orc druid is not wearing heavy armor, the half-orc druid can use the half-orc druid’s Constitution modifier in place of the half-orc druid’s Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to determine the half-orc druid’s AC.

Skills Heal +24, Nature +24
Str 16 (+16); Dex 17 (+16); Wis 23 (+19);
Con 21 (+18); Int 13 (+14); Cha 12 (+14)
Equipment hide armor, scythe

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Predator Druid [Level 26 Controller]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +19; Senses Perception +24; low-light
HP 231; Bloodied 115
Healing Surges (+57 hp) ○○○
AC 42; Fortitude 36, Reflex 40, Will 40
Speed 7

● [m] Scythe (standard) ✦ Weapon
+28 vs. AC; 4d4 + 13 damage.
● [M] Savage Rend (standard) ✦ Beast Form
+29 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 16 damage, and the target slides 1 square. This power can be used as a melee basic attack.
● [R] Flame Seed (standard) ✦ Fire, Zone
Ranged 10; +29 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 10 fire damage, and the squares adjacent to the target become a fiery zone that lasts until the end of the half-orc druid’s next turn. Any enemy that enters the zone or starts its turn there takes 6 fire damage.
○ [C] Primal Roar (standard) ✦ Beast Form, Psychic
Close blast 5; targets enemies; +29 vs. Will; 2d8 + 16 psychic damage, and the target is knocked prone and deafened until the end of the half-orc druid’s next turn.
□ [C] Primal Tiger (standard) ✦ Beast Form
Close burst 1; targets visible enemies; +29 vs. Reflex; 6d6 + 16 damage. If the attack hits at least once, the half-orc druid shifts 6 squares. Hit or Miss: Until the end of the encounter, while the half-orc druid is in beast form the half-orc druid can make a melee basic attack as an opportunity action against any enemy that enters a square adjacent to the half-orc druid.
Wild Shape (minor) ✦ Polymorph
The half-orc druid changes from the half-orc druid’s humanoid form to beast form or vice versa. When the half-orc druid changes from beast form back to the half-orc druid’s humanoid form, the half-orc druid shifts 1 square. While the half-orc druid is in beast form, the half-orc druid can’t use attack, utility, or feat powers that lack the beast form keyword, although the half-orc druid can sustain such powers. The half-orc druid can use this power once per round.
Phantom Beast (minor) ✦ Beast Form
Until the end of the encounter, whenever the half-orc druid uses wild shape to change into beast form, the half-orc druid becomes insubstantial and gain phasing until the end of the half-orc druid’s turn.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc druid hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc druid is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc druid gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc druid gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.
Primal Predator
While the half-orc druid is not wearing heavy armor, the half-orc druid gains a +1 bonus to the half-orc druid’s speed.

Skills Nature +24, Perception +24
Str 16 (+16); Dex 23 (+19); Wis 23 (+19);
Con 15 (+15); Int 13 (+14); Cha 12 (+14)
Equipment hide armor, scythe

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Preserving Invoker [Level 26 Artillery]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +16; Senses Perception +19; low-light
HP 177; Bloodied 88
Healing Surges (+44 hp) ○○○
AC 41; Fortitude 36, Reflex 39, Will 40
Speed 6

● [m] Morningstar (standard) ✦ Weapon
+27 vs. AC; 2d10 + 12 damage.
● [R] Sun Strike (standard) ✦ Radiant
Ranged 10; +29 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 16 radiant damage, and the half-orc invoker slides the target 1 square. The half-orc invoker can use this power as a ranged basic attack.
○ [R] Word of Rebuke (standard)
Ranged 10; +29 vs. Will; 5d6 + 16 damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the half-orc invoker’s next turn. Until the end of the half-orc invoker’s next turn, the target also takes a -5 penalty to attack rolls.
□ [C] Anthem of the First Dawn (standard) ✦ Healing, Radiant
Close burst 10; targets enemies; +29 vs. Will; 6d6 + 16 radiant damage. Miss: Half damage. Hit or Miss: Each ally in the burst can spend a healing surge.
Covenant of Vengeance (minor)
Choose either the half-orc invoker or one ally within 10 squares. All of the target’s marks end. Until the end of the encounter or until the target marks a creature, if a creature attacks the target, the half-orc invoker and the half-orc invoker’s allies gain a +4 power bonus to attack rolls against that creature until the end of the half-orc invoker’s next turn.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc invoker hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Preserver’s Rebuke (immediate reaction) ✦ Channel Divinity
When an enemy within 10 squares of the half-orc invoker hits the half-orc invoker’s ally.
The half-orc invoker gains a +5 bonus to the half-orc invoker’s next attack roll against the triggering enemy if that attack occurs before the end of the half-orc invoker’s next turn.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc invoker is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc invoker gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc invoker gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.
Covenant of Preservation
When the half-orc invoker uses a divine encounter or daily attack power on the half-orc invoker’s turn, the half-orc invoker can slide an ally within 10 squares of the half-orc invoker 1 square.

Skills Arcana +23, Religion +23
Str 14 (+15); Dex 16 (+16); Wis 23 (+19);
Con 15 (+15); Int 21 (+18); Cha 13 (+14)
Equipment hide armor, morningstar

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Wrathful Invoker [Level 26 Artillery]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +16; Senses Perception +19; low-light
HP 183; Bloodied 91
Healing Surges (+45 hp) ○○○
AC 39; Fortitude 39, Reflex 37, Will 40
Speed 5

● [m] Morningstar (standard) ✦ Weapon
+27 vs. AC; 2d10 + 12 damage.
● [R] Avenging Light (standard) ✦ Radiant
Ranged 10; +29 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 16 radiant damage. If a bloodied ally is adjacent to the target, the attack deals an extra +5 radiant damage. The half-orc invoker can use this power as a ranged basic attack.
○ [A] Vindicating Flames (standard) ✦ Fire
Area burst 2 within 10; +29 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 16 fire damage, and if the target moves before the end of the half-orc invoker’s next turn, it takes 15 fire damage.
□ [A] Racking Invocation of Pain (standard)
Area burst 2 within 20; +29 vs. Fortitude; 4d8 + 16 damage, and the target is dazed and takes 10 extra damage whenever it is hit by a melee attack (save ends both). Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
Invoke Heroism (minor)
One ally within 10 squares can take an extra standard action during his or her next turn.
○ [C] Armor of Wrath (immediate reaction) ✦ Channel Divinity, Radiant
When an enemy within 5 squares of the half-orc invoker hits the half-orc invoker.
The triggering enemy takes 2d6+5 radiant damage and is pushed 2 squares.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc invoker hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc invoker is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc invoker gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc invoker gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.
Covenant of Wrath
When the half-orc invoker uses a divine encounter or daily attack power on the half-orc invoker’s turn, the half-orc invoker gains a bonus to the damage roll equal to 1 for each enemy the half-orc invoker attacks with the power.

Skills Endurance +24, Religion +20
Str 14 (+15); Dex 16 (+16); Wis 23 (+19);
Con 21 (+18); Int 15 (+15); Cha 13 (+14)
Equipment chainmail, morningstar

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Bear Shaman [Level 26 Controller (Leader)]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +16; Senses Perception +24; low-light
HP 237; Bloodied 118
Healing Surges (+59 hp) ○○○
AC 38; Fortitude 39, Reflex 36, Will 40
Speed 6

● [m] Longspear (standard) ✦ Weapon
Reach 1; +27 vs. AC; 2d10 + 12 damage.
● [M] Protecting Strike (standard) ✦ Spirit
Spirit melee 1; +29 vs. Will; 2d8 + 16 damage, and each ally adjacent to the half-orc shaman’s spirit companion gains 5 temporary hit points.
○ [M] Call to the Primal Protector (standard) ✦ Spirit
Spirit melee 1; +29 vs. Reflex; 2d10 + 16 damage. Until the end of the half-orc shaman’s next turn, any ally takes half damage from any source while adjacent to the half-orc shaman’s spirit companion. Each ally adjacent to the half-orc shaman’s spirit companion gains 6 temporary hit points.
□ [C] Western Wind of Storms (standard) ✦ Lightning, Teleportation
Close blast 5; targets enemies; +29 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 16 lightning damage, and the half-orc shaman teleports the target 10 squares. Miss: Half damage, and the half-orc shaman teleports the target 5 squares. Hit or Miss: The half-orc shaman teleports each ally in the blast 10 squares.
Call Spirit Companion (minor) ✦ Conjuration
The half-orc shaman conjures the half-orc shaman’s spirit companion in an unoccupied space within 20 squares. The spirit lasts until the half-orc shaman falls unconscious or until the half-orc shaman dismisses it as a minor action. The spirit occupies 1 square. Enemies cannot move through its space, but allies can. When the half-orc shaman takes a move action, the half-orc shaman can also move the spirit a number of squares equal to the half-orc shaman’s speed.
The spirit can be targeted by melee or ranged attacks, although it lacks hit points. If a single melee or ranged attack deals 23 damage to the spirit, the spirit disappears, and the half-orc shaman takes 18 damage. Otherwise, the spirit is unaffected by the attack.
○○○ Healing Spirit (minor) ✦ Healing
The half-orc shaman or one ally within 5 squares can spend a healing surge. If the target does so, one ally adjacent to the half-orc shaman’s spirit companion, other than the target, regains 6d6 hit points. This power can only be used once per round.
Doorway to the Spirit World (minor) ✦ Zone
Area burst 1 within 10; the burst creates a zone of primal energy that lasts until the end of the encounter. While within the zone, the half-orc shaman and the half-orc shaman’s allies are insubstantial.
● [M] Spirit’s Shield (opportunity) ✦ Healing, Spirit
When an enemy leaves a square adjacent to the half-orc shaman’s spirit companion without shifting.
Targets triggering enemy; +29 vs. Reflex; 6 damage. Hit or Miss: One ally within 5 squares of the half-orc shaman’s spirit companion regains 6 hit points.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc shaman hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc shaman is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc shaman gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc shaman gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.
Protector Spirit
Any ally adjacent to the half-orc shaman’s spirit companion regains 5 additional hit points when he or she uses second wind or when the half-orc shaman uses a healing power on him or her.

Skills Nature +24, Perception +24
Str 15 (+15); Dex 16 (+16); Wis 23 (+19);
Con 21 (+18); Int 15 (+15); Cha 12 (+14)
Equipment leather armor, longspear

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Panther Shaman [Level 26 Controller (Leader)]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +16; Senses Perception +24; low-light
HP 231; Bloodied 115
Healing Surges (+57 hp) ○○○
AC 40; Fortitude 36, Reflex 38, Will 40
Speed 6

● [m] Longspear (standard) ✦ Weapon
Reach 1; +27 vs. AC; 2d10 + 12 damage.
● [M] Stalker’s Strike (standard) ✦ Spirit
Spirit melee 1; +29 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 16 damage, and until the end of the half-orc shaman’s next turn, the half-orc shaman’s spirit companion can flank with the half-orc shaman and the half-orc shaman’s allies. If the target is bloodied, the half-orc shaman gains a +2 bonus to the attack roll.
○ [M] Call to the Relentless Hunter (standard) ✦ Spirit
Spirit melee 1; +29 vs. Fortitude; 4d6 + 16 damage. Until the end of the half-orc shaman’s next turn, when any ally adjacent to the half-orc shaman’s spirit companion misses with an at-will or an encounter attack power, that attack deals 1d10 + 5 damage.
□ [R] Spirit of the Laughing Wanderer (standard) ✦ Psychic
Ranged 10; +29 vs. Will; 3d10 + 16 psychic damage, and the target is stunned (save ends). Aftereffect: The enemy nearest to the target is stunned (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed and slowed (save ends both). Aftereffect: The enemy nearest to the target is dazed and slowed (save ends both).
Call the Dead (standard) ✦ Healing
Each dead ally within 5 squares returns to life and spends a healing surge. Each target is also considered to have failed no death saving throws during this encounter.
Call Spirit Companion (minor) ✦ Conjuration
The half-orc shaman conjures the half-orc shaman’s spirit companion in an unoccupied space within 20 squares. The spirit lasts until the half-orc shaman falls unconscious or until the half-orc shaman dismisses it as a minor action. The spirit occupies 1 square. Enemies cannot move through its space, but allies can. When the half-orc shaman takes a move action, the half-orc shaman can also move the spirit a number of squares equal to the half-orc shaman’s speed.
The spirit can be targeted by melee or ranged attacks, although it lacks hit points. If a single melee or ranged attack deals 23 damage to the spirit, the spirit disappears, and the half-orc shaman takes 18 damage. Otherwise, the spirit is unaffected by the attack.
○○○ Healing Spirit (minor) ✦ Healing
The half-orc shaman or one ally within 5 squares can spend a healing surge. If the target does so, one ally adjacent to the half-orc shaman’s spirit companion, other than the target, regains 6d6 hit points. This power can only be used once per round.
● [M] Spirit’s Fangs (opportunity) ✦ Spirit
When an enemy leaves a square adjacent to the half-orc shaman’s spirit companion without shifting.
Targets triggering enemy; +29 vs. Reflex; 2d10 + 16 damage.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc shaman hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc shaman is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc shaman gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc shaman gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.
Stalker Spirit
Any ally adjacent to the half-orc shaman’s spirit companion gains a +5 bonus to damage rolls against bloodied enemies.

Skills Nature +24, Perception +24
Str 15 (+15); Dex 16 (+16); Wis 23 (+19);
Con 15 (+15); Int 21 (+18); Cha 12 (+14)
Equipment leather armor, longspear

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Chaos Sorcerer [Level 26 Artillery]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +19; Senses Perception +14; low-light
HP 176; Bloodied 88
Healing Surges (+44 hp) ○○○
AC 39; Fortitude 36, Reflex 39, Will 41
Speed 6

● [r] Dagger (standard) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 5/10; +32 vs. AC; 2d4 + 16 damage.
● [R] Chaos Bolt (standard) ✦ Psychic
Ranged 10; +29 vs. Will; 2d10 + 26 psychic damage and if the half-orc sorcerer rolled an even number for the primary attack roll, make a secondary attack against one creature within 5 squares of the target last hit by this power. Secondary Attack: +29 vs. Will; 1d6 + 20 psychic damage. If the half-orc sorcerer rolled an even number for the secondary attack roll, repeat the secondary attack. The half-orc sorcerer can attack a creature only once with a single use of this power.
○ [R] Plates of Ice (standard) ✦ Cold
Ranged 20; +29 vs. Fortitude; 4d6 + 26 cold damage, and the target is weakened until the end of the half-orc sorcerer’s next turn. If the half-orc sorcerer rolled an even number on the attack roll, each creature adjacent to the target takes 1d6 + 20 cold damage.
□ [R] Words of Chaos (standard) ✦ Charm, Psychic
Ranged 10; +29 vs. Will; 4d12 + 26 psychic damage. Hit or Miss: When the target makes an attack roll for a melee or a ranged attack, the half-orc sorcerer can make a secondary attack against the target if it is within 10 squares of the half-orc sorcerer (save ends): +29 vs. Will; the target must choose a different creature to target with its attack if it can. Otherwise, its attack is unaffected by this secondary attack. If the half-orc sorcerer rolled an even number on the secondary attack roll, the half-orc sorcerer chooses the creature that the target attacks.
Wind Shape (minor) ✦ Polymorph
Until the end of the half-orc sorcerer’s next turn, the half-orc sorcerer becomes insubstantial, the half-orc sorcerer gains a fly speed equal to the half-orc sorcerer’s speed, and the half-orc sorcerer can hover.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc sorcerer hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc sorcerer is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc sorcerer gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc sorcerer gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.
Chaos Power
The half-orc sorcerer gains a +10 bonus to the damage rolls of arcane powers.
Unfettered Power
When the half-orc sorcerer rolls a natural 20 on an attack roll for an arcane power, the half-orc sorcerer slides the target 1 square and knock it prone after applying the attack’s other effects. When the half-orc sorcerer rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll for an arcane power, the half-orc sorcerer must push each creature within 5 squares of the half-orc sorcerer 1 square.

Skills Arcana +19, Bluff +24
Str 17 (+16); Dex 23 (+19); Wis 12 (+14);
Con 14 (+15); Int 13 (+14); Cha 23 (+19)
Equipment cloth armor, dagger

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Dragon Sorcerer [Level 26 Skirmisher]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +16; Senses Perception +14; low-light
HP 230; Bloodied 115
Healing Surges (+57 hp) ○○○
AC 39; Fortitude 39, Reflex 36, Will 41
Speed 6

● [m] Quarterstaff (standard) ✦ Weapon
+31 vs. AC; 2d8 + 16 damage.
● [C] Burning Spray (standard) ✦ Fire
Close blast 3; +29 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 26 fire damage. The next enemy that hits the half-orc sorcerer with a melee attack before the end of the half-orc sorcerer’s next turn takes 6 fire damage.
○ [C] Black Breath (standard) ✦ Acid
Close blast 3; +29 vs. Reflex; 5d6 + 26 acid damage. Until the end of the half-orc sorcerer’s next turn, the target doesn’t have line of sight to any creature more than 3 squares away from it.
□ [C] Draconic Incarnation (standard)
Close blast 5; +29 vs. Reflex; 7d6 + 26 damage. Choose a damage type: acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder. The attack deals damage of this type to each target. Miss: Half damage. Hit or Miss: Until the end of the encounter, once during each of the half-orc sorcerer’s turns, the half-orc sorcerer can slide one enemy within 3 squares of the half-orc sorcerer 2 squares as a free action.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc sorcerer hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Platinum Scales (immediate interrupt)
When the half-orc sorcerer is hit by an attack.
Until the end of the encounter, the half-orc sorcerer gains a +6 power bonus to all defenses.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc sorcerer is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc sorcerer gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc sorcerer gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.
Draconic Power
The half-orc sorcerer gains a +10 bonus to the damage rolls of arcane powers.
Draconic Resilience
While the half-orc sorcerer is not wearing heavy armor, the half-orc sorcerer can use the half-orc sorcerer’s Strength modifier in place of the half-orc sorcerer’s Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to determine the half-orc sorcerer’s AC.

Skills Arcana +19, Athletics +24
Str 23 (+19); Dex 17 (+16); Wis 12 (+14);
Con 14 (+15); Int 13 (+14); Cha 23 (+19)
Equipment cloth armor, quarterstaff

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Earth Warden [Level 26 Brute]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +16; Senses Perception +20; low-light
HP 291; Bloodied 145
Healing Surges (+72 hp) ○○○
AC 43; Fortitude 41, Reflex 38, Will 36
Speed 6

● [m] Battleaxe (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 2d10 + 17 damage.
● [r] Javelin (standard) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +32 vs. AC; 2d6 + 17 damage.
● [M] Earth Shield Strike (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 2d10 + 17 damage, and the half-orc warden gains a +1 power bonus to AC until the end of the half-orc warden’s next turn.
○ [C] Nature’s Ally (standard) ✦ Weapon
Close burst 3; targets one creature in burst; +32 vs. Reflex; the half-orc warden pulls the target 2 squares to a space that must be adjacent to the half-orc warden. Make a secondary attack against the target. Secondary Attack: +34 vs. AC; 3d10 + 17 damage. Special: If either attack hits, the target is also slowed until the start of the half-orc warden’s next turn.
Panacea (minor)
The half-orc warden makes a saving throw with a +4 power bonus. The half-orc warden also gains a +4 power bonus to saving throws until the end of the encounter.
Form of the Jungle Lord (minor) ✦ Polymorph
The half-orc warden assumes the guardian form of the jungle lord until the end of the encounter. While the half-orc warden is in this form, the half-orc warden gains a climb speed equal to the half-orc warden’s speed and a +2 bonus to Reflex. In addition, whenever the half-orc warden hits a target with a melee attack, the half-orc warden slides the target 2 squares. If that attack already pulls, pushes, or slides the target, the half-orc warden slides the target 2 squares after that forced movement. Once during this encounter, the half-orc warden can make the following attack while the half-orc warden is in this form as a standard action.
Secondary Attack: +32 vs. AC; 4d10 + 17 damage, and the half-orc warden slides the target 1 square. Miss: Half damage.
● [C] Warden’s Grasp (immediate reaction)
When an enemy marked by the half-orc warden that is within 5 squares of the half-orc warden makes an attack that does not include the half-orc warden as a target.
Targets the triggering enemy; The half-orc warden slides the target 1 square. The target is slowed and cannot shift until the end of its turn.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc warden hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc warden is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc warden gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc warden gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.
When the half-orc warden uses the half-orc warden’s second wind, the half-orc warden gains an additional +5 bonus to AC. The bonus lasts until the end of the half-orc warden’s next turn.
Font of Life
At the start of the half-orc warden’s turn, the half-orc warden can make a saving throw against one effect that a save can end. On a save, the effect immediately ends, preventing it from affecting the half-orc warden on the half-orc warden’s current turn. If the half-orc warden fails the saving throw, the half-orc warden still makes a saving throw against the effect at the end of the half-orc warden’s turn.
Nature’s Wrath
Once during each of the half-orc warden’s turns, the half-orc warden can mark each adjacent enemy as a free action. This mark lasts until the end of the half-orc warden’s next turn.

Skills Athletics +22, Perception +20
Str 25 (+20); Dex 16 (+16); Wis 15 (+15);
Con 21 (+18); Int 12 (+14); Cha 13 (+14)
Equipment hide armor, heavy shield, battleaxe, javelin

-1 Level / +1 Level

Half-Orc Wild Warden [Level 26 Brute]

Medium natural humanoid [XP 9000]

Initiative +16; Senses Perception +23; low-light
HP 285; Bloodied 142
Healing Surges (+71 hp) ○○○
AC 41; Fortitude 41, Reflex 36, Will 39
Speed 6

● [m] Greataxe (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 2d12 + 17 damage (crit 41 + 3d12).
● [r] Javelin (standard) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +32 vs. AC; 2d6 + 17 damage.
● [M] Weight of Earth (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 2d12 + 17 damage (crit 41 + 3d12), and the target is slowed until the end of the half-orc warden’s next turn.
○ [M] Startling Savagery (standard) ✦ Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 3d12 + 17 damage (crit 53 + 3d12), and the target is dazed until the end of the half-orc warden’s next turn. Until the end of the half-orc warden’s next turn, the half-orc warden gains a +5 power bonus to attack rolls.
Renewal (minor) ✦ Healing
The half-orc warden spends a healing surge. In addition, the half-orc warden regains the use of an encounter attack power the half-orc warden has already used during this encounter.
Form of the Blood Wolf (minor) ✦ Polymorph
The half-orc warden assumes the guardian form of the blood wolf until the end of the encounter. While the half-orc warden is in this form, the half-orc warden gains a +2 bonus to speed and a +4 bonus to damage rolls for melee attacks against bloodied targets. In addition, if the half-orc warden has combat advantage against a target that the half-orc warden hits with a melee attack, the half-orc warden can knock that target prone. Once during this encounter, the half-orc warden can make the following attack while the half-orc warden is in this form as a standard action.
Secondary Attack: +32 vs. AC; 5d12 + 17 damage (crit 77 + 3d12), and the target grants combat advantage to the half-orc warden (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and the target grants combat advantage to the half-orc warden until the end of the half-orc warden’s next turn.
● [M] Warden’s Fury (immediate interrupt) ✦ Weapon
When an enemy marked by the half-orc warden makes an attack that does not include the half-orc warden as a target.
Targets the triggering enemy; +32 vs. Fortitude; 2d12 + 17 damage (crit 41 + 3d12), and the target grants combat advantage to the half-orc warden and the half-orc warden’s allies until the end of the half-orc warden’s next turn.
Furious Assault (free)
When the half-orc warden hits an enemy.
The attack deals 1[W] extra damage if it’s a weapon attack or 1d8 extra damage if it isn’t.
Half-Orc Resilience
The first time the half-orc warden is bloodied during an encounter, the half-orc warden gains 15 temporary hit points.
Swift Charge
The half-orc warden gains a +2 bonus to speed when charging.
When the half-orc warden uses the half-orc warden’s second wind, each enemy marked by the half-orc warden takes an additional -5 penalty to attack rolls for attacks that don’t include the half-orc warden as a target, until the end of the half-orc warden’s next turn.
Font of Life
At the start of the half-orc warden’s turn, the half-orc warden can make a saving throw against one effect that a save can end. On a save, the effect immediately ends, preventing it from affecting the half-orc warden on the half-orc warden’s current turn. If the half-orc warden fails the saving throw, the half-orc warden still makes a saving throw against the effect at the end of the half-orc warden’s turn.
Nature’s Wrath
Once during each of the half-orc warden’s turns, the half-orc warden can mark each adjacent enemy as a free action. This mark lasts until the end of the half-orc warden’s next turn.

Skills Athletics +24, Perception +23
Str 25 (+20); Dex 16 (+16); Wis 21 (+18);
Con 15 (+15); Int 12 (+14); Cha 13 (+14)
Equipment hide armor, greataxe, javelin

-1 Level / +1 Level

Copyright 2009 by Paul Strack. The contents of this document may be used in accordance with the Open Gaming License, version 1.0a. 100% of the document is open gaming content, as per section 8 of the Open Gaming License.