Game Group Roleplaying

Proposed Game: D20 Modern

This one I’m less clear on… Ben, what system, setting, etc. are you proposing? This thread’s a place to build our interest… if you dare. Mwahhahah.

This one I’m less clear on… Ben, what system, setting, etc. are you proposing? This thread’s a place to build our interest… if you dare. Mwahhahah.

One reply on “Proposed Game: D20 Modern”

The D20 modern system is much as it sounds. Wizards’ D20 game system in a modern setting. Classes, stats, skills, feats, and adventuring set in the (relative) here and now. The game can be run as realistic and gritty or as filled with fantasy as the group/GM want. It is set up to be playable as a military game, espionage (James Bond?), paranormal invetigation, and/ or even an adventure with modern arcana. It could be a modern Van Helsing, X-files, Buffy the vampire slayer, anti terrorist, or any other concept you like in a modern environment.

The limits on the game/world within the game are what the players and GM decide they want them to be. As far that goes if people are interested, I would need to know what kind of world/concept the group would like to play in.

One concept I had that was the idea of generating a D20 version of yourself as a PC. One of the major downsides of this that was presented to me was that, “If I am playing the character of myself,having never been in a gunfight, and I were presented with one, I would just leave.” So, perhaps playing as yourself in a game system design for heroics is not such a hot idea. I have tried it out with a couple people who were remarkably honest about their stats and who, playing a character with their own personal limitations, have had to put a lot more thought and planning into dealing with situations requiring confrontation. Given the nature of the game, antagonists must be dealt with somehow, sometimes violently. Therefore the suspension of reality is once again required, even if not as much as in a universe like D&D.

I am very open as far as game concepts, and thought this game might be fun since most of the D20 Modern rules are similar if not identical to D&D 3.5’s. One very nice feature of this game is description of items, locations, people, religions, ideals are mostly identifiable to everyone playing. If describing a seedy bar, a stop and rob, Denny’s, Volkswagen Beetle, Judaism, Islam, U.S. congress, the Fresno PD, Fresno Bee, etc everyone has at least a decent idea of what I am trying to convey.

Alternately, if nobody is very interested in this and Kev does not run a Shadowrun game, there is also D6 Star Wars.

Sorry it took me so long to respond, I hope this gives some idea of what the game is.

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