Abortion is about Autonomy Good diarist post about the KOS keruffle
The World of Commerce A fun mocking of the recent supreme court decision
History Rhymes Fifteen similarities between the Vietnam and Iraq wars. Thought provoking.
Baby Name Wizard Charts the popularity of names over time. It has a nice interface.
Plus a snarky quote about roleplaying below the fold.
“Changing the rules is a long standing tradition among role-players, dating back to the gamers of the ancient Mediterranean who took a popular, over complicated role-playing manual, known as the Bible, and created a much simpler version which could be understood and followed by people of all faiths and ethnic backgrounds. Unfortunately these early role-players were quickly arrested, tied to stakes and set on fire because they forgot to add the “Bible is a Trademark of GOD Corporation. Used without permission.” disclaimer at the bottom of their work. Their writing was lost for centuries until it was rediscovered by an obscure 20th century prophet named Shel Silverstein and published under the title Where The Sidewalk Ends.” — Branson, BJ’s Corner