Oh, we weren’t? Anyway, this thread about webcomics definitely qualifies as dangerous for me.
Some finds– and rediscoveries:
Strange/cool webcomic: Sequential art
I rememeber PvP and don’t remember why I dropped it.
Sheldon, a more “normal” comic
Punch ‘n Pie A semi-continuation of Queen of Wands.
3 replies on “Speaking of dangerous”
I usually read Questionable Content, PVP, Ctrl+Alt+Delete, LFG, Penny Arcade, VGCats and John and John (Very dirty-minded, disgusting comic; gotta love those crazy Europeans). I also used to keep up with Apple Geeks and MacHall at one time, but stopped reading them for some reason.
Those also look good. Too many good comics! [I’ve already moved some of them to my daily reads list… no!]
Added: http://www.transstellar.llamaslap.com/
Three new comics: http://www.toothpastefordinner.com/ http://www.marriedtothesea.com/ and http://www.nataliedee.com/