
Masculinity and other cool quotes

A great quote from Hilzoy: And besides, this all plays into a pretty ludicrous conception of masculinity, according to which George Bush’s swaggering and bluster are supposed to show that he’s manly, while — well, something, though what exactly is never clear, is supposed to show that Obama is not. If I truly thought that […]

A great quote from Hilzoy:

And besides, this all plays into a pretty ludicrous conception of masculinity, according to which George Bush’s swaggering and bluster are supposed to show that he’s manly, while — well, something, though what exactly is never clear, is supposed to show that Obama is not. If I truly thought that masculinity was anything like the sneering, bullying caricature that people try to foist off on us every four years at about this time, I’d either take a vow of celibacy right now or spend some serious effort trying to discover whether it’s possible to become gay by sheer force of will.

The whole post is good, but I was tickled by her concluding paragraph (above).

Afterward, I found a great post from Kameron Hurley about finding happiness and fearing it. Here’s one (of many) good paragraphs:

I worry that happiness is a dangerous thing. I worry that it’s not something we should strive for, but just something you get periodically, a lull between the long stretches of darkness, like the short, sharp Alaskan Summer. Those three months of intense, gorgeous, beautiful life and sunshine that make the 8 months of winter worth it.