

At Jennifer’s urging, I set Regenesis aside and wolfed down Watchmen. [We’re looking at hitting the movie and were advised that reading the comic is required to make sense of the plot.] After reading the comic, I’m interested in seeing how much of it they can pack into the movie… and whether it’ll be changed dramatically in the process.

It was a good book, but I don’t think it impressed me as much as it did Jennifer (and the reviewers on the back cover). The story arcs are solid and come to an end, which is nice, and I’m sure I missed a number of details. It’s a lot more fun to read than many “classics”– a mostly street level superhero story, with several twists. The character development and choices are great– not unchanging and static, but consistent enough that their changes are the result of actions, not the writer’s whim.

2 replies on “Watchmen”

BreAn and I are interested in seeing this film as well, but it is a bit of a bummer that the comic must be read to understand the plot. A movie should have a fairly straightforward plot that incorporates the core elements of a comic, not be so confusing that it turns off the average movie goer. Remember Dune? They had to hand out a flyer at the beginning just so non-Dune viewers could make any sense of it. Of course that particular movie didn’t make much sense to Dune fans either… 🙂

I do remember Dune– and I didn’t get the flyer. Ouch! I couldn’t make any sense of it at all.

My brother called to tell me to save my money, that it’s horrible. Other places have reviewed it with 5/5, saying it’s a great adaptation. It was a pretty strange comic, so I am a little concerned about it compressing well to a movie time table…

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