
End of September media

Several issues of the Nation magazine: Several good articles that retain significance, and lots of articles about events that have passed. On to the articles about the government shutdown and debt ceiling.

Elizabeth Moon: Oath of Betrayal It turns out that this wasn’t a trilogy; the world and its struggles will continue on for another book or three. The themes of change and reconciliation are still strong; the book ends on a big reveal, bringing the hidden foe into the open.

The Graveyard Book, by Neil Gaimen. A good book; I can see why it won a Newberry Medal and the Hugo. I read it front to back, broken only by silly things like work. It was a quick read, quite engaging–and, much like Jennifer, I suspect there will be more to savor on a reread.

What, more listening?
TJ 1041 Madam I Blush: A good in character interview following last week’s, about Jefferson’s relations with the women in his life. The only problem was that it was too short.

TJ 1042 Hamiltonian or Jeffersonian: A discussion of what our nation currently practices and preaches. The move away from self sufficiency on isolated farms really moves us away from Jeffersonian ideals…

TJ 1043 Home Schooling: A good discussion of the tensions between individual liberty, a family’s right to raise their children as they choose, and the evolution of the public school system.

Ask me another: 223: Foodie: The Other ‘F’ Word — A fun show as always.
224: Planet money as the special guest.

TAL 504: How I got into college — Interesting, but dominated by one long story instead of the many viewpoints I expected (and would have appreciated.)

TAL 505: About acetaminophen, and the dangerous toxicity level… double the label dose is enough to cause kidney failure and risk worse. Good discussion of company policies, the FDA and its label requirements, etc.

Roll for News 2-8: Magpie Games and Indie +. I like the 5 minute format.

Ken and Robin talk at FanExpo Canada(57): A good live show for them; not very heavy on the local questions.