Game Group

Next Game Selected

Today we met and discussed the options for our next game. After much debate, we decided that the next game we play will be Aces and Eights. We’ll get together next weekend and create characters. We will make characters as a part of a wagon train, heading west to seek a better life. We’re aiming for a detailed campaign– somewhat complex and a little detail oriented to start with.

Next weekend, we’ll get together at 3 pm, watch an episode of a western show to get on the same page, and make characters ready to head west.

One reply on “Next Game Selected”

Aces and Eights sounds like fun. You will have to let us know how it goes. There are plenty of great movies and TV shows to put you guys into the right mood! I meant to ask you about your choice yesterday, but I completely forgot to do so. The sugar rush from those tasty cupcakes must have clouded my mind. 🙂

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