Apocalypse World Game Group Roleplaying

Dungeon World 5/24

We traveled to the Palace district where we interviewed and were hired by the Wizards Dirnov,  to explore the newly arrived district that’s sandwiched between the Salt and Starlight districts. In the interview they give us a number of odd vials, explaining that this one will crystalize and that one turn colors. They have foreseen a great deal about the new district, but cannot tell us much, to avoid corrupting their foresight. (They also gave us a “can of nuts” with a spring loaded snake inside, so they’re jokesters too.)

Among the tantalizing warning devices is that a vial of red material, something like still fluid blood, will freeze when we reach the frozen heart with icy blood flowing through its veins. We should explore the district until this other vial precipitates… which is also a warning, and we should hustle out of the dangerous new parish. There’s also a thread that will trace beads to record temperatures, and other wonders that we’re to retain.

We hire at 10 gold for each of us explorers for the dangerous journey, plus we retain anything we find… but they may be interested in artifacts that we recover.

We discussed the two districts, and decided to traverse the Starlight Parish, to approach the new district from the south. The Starlight Parish, Daelwyn tells us, is known for almost perpetual starry night. Their people are honor bound and prone to dueling, psychics are common within the district, and are prone to misreading your thoughts and provoking a duel.

The district includes a reflected – or inverted gravity world below. It’s lit dimly, largely by the distant stars, but also a few lanterns outside the building.

Thelian +1 XP as quartermaster for traversing the district.; costs 8 coins for Thelian as a bribe to not beat up a vendor.

A duel is scheduled in the tunnel that we must traverse on our way to the district; Jess gets roped into witnessing. We take an inn for the night, then reach the fissure at the edge of the district.

The district has been open for only a week; we see pitons in the walls; and people in a base camp. Jess sneaks up to listen in on people in the base camp, but one of the wandering people in the camp sets down a book and starts his way. 

Gagra Etu is surveying the new plane. The wizard Wagrat levels his wand when Daelwyn explains that we’re here on behalf of the brothers Dirnov. That which provokes them, and they level threats demanding that we leave; Jess scurries forward while they’re distracted and snatches a huge tome.

Wagrat unleashed a rain of sparkling fire that dripped over Daelwyn, Raomoko, and Thelian. Thelian runs toward the chasm and leaps across; it is too far and he snatches a rope dangling from the far face… but he has 10’ to climb. Rao becomes a winged panther and leaps across, slashing into the wizard as he pulls out a stone focus. He falls dead from the savage bite.

Gagra calls out and rushes from the tent with a knife, but Daelwyn drops her with a volley of arrows before she could reach Rao in panther form.

We explore the base camp and find climbing kit (x3), cold weather gear (x2), 5 uses of adventuring gear + 5 rations. 

+1 XP for learning about the world, session end.