4e related:
4e random encounter maker
4e pointbuy calculator
4e character sheet (pdf, for printing)
4e Form fillable auto-calculating character sheet (.zip)
Bankuei’s 4e playaids: Requests and some solutions.
Keep on the Shadowfell review, very positive. (No spoilers.)
The Chatty DM plays 4e: initial thoughts, Into the Shadowhaunt (spoilers!)
Martin reviews 4e books in detail. An excellent review.
From Doyce: Watching the 4.0 DnD release, and The DnD 4.0 game with the seven-year old got even more awesome.
4e FAQ (from Reading Dragon mailing list):
My response from Customer Service is that if a monster has two or more basic attacks, you can select which one you want to use in and opportuity attack situation.
Standing from prone does not generate opportunity attacks (OA). gleemax thread
Here is Customer Services ruling on slowed shifting. It exposes a new way to deal with rules precedence: “can’t trumps can.” As suggested in the basic mechanics of the game on page 11, specific trumps general, though when specific and specific conflict (as in this situation), we rule that can’t trumps can. Thus if you’re slowed, you’re limited to two squares of movement, regardless of the type of movement, unless the power/ability specifically says otherwise.
Now more than ever– is it time to buy Firey dragon counters print them on cardstock?
Dragon Avenue crusades against 4e naysayers.