Game Group

Next Game: Unsure

A close friend of the family, Bill, died on Sunday. The funeral is Friday, and we’ll be hosting out of town guests, so we won’t be available on Friday.

Does another day work this weekend? Saturday afternoon and Sunday should be OK for us.


Old message:Our runners are ready for the conclusion of the solar-tech story… doubtless we’ll be presented with medals and a parade. (Or not…)

Kev mentioned that we’d do some character tweaking after the resolution, now that people understand the system a little better. So if there’s anything that bothers you about your character– or if there’s anything else you’re thinking about adding, keep it in the back of your mind and we’ll get it on the character sheets Friday.

Anything else?

Game Group

Next Game: Friday April 13th

We pick up the investigation of SolarTech and its missing Chief of Operations.

Anyone have a thought about how to find the guy? If we come up with a strategy before the session, we might get more game time and less fumbling for an idea time. Any ideas that are “just crazy enough that it might just work”?

Comment here, or in the wiki.

Game Group

Off until April 6th

Last weekend’s Shadowrun went very well… beware the pink stinkers! We’re missing this week, as Dad’s going to be visiting Eric and helping Myles with his recovery. We’re back to the normal schedule next week.

Does anyone want to keep a log, or are we as happy without?

Game Group

Next Game: Friday March 23rd

We got off to a solid start last week. Can everyone make it this week? (I still think I can, though I may be late…)

Idea: We should call back the Johnson and tell him that his plans are out of date. See if we can get a little more money for correcting them, and see if he wants to give us a few more “soda cans” to cover the new area. If he doesn’t pay, we won’t tell him about the secret tunnel– but if he does, we should, offhandedly mention it, and see if he’s interested in adding to the reward. (Or if it seems important to him…)

Game Group

Next Game: Friday March 16th

Shadowrun on Friday… let’s kick some hoop. If you’ll have trouble making it, just let us know.

If you have any suggestions, thoughts. or want to work anything out before the session, let’s get scribbling or phone calling.

I’ve sketched out a background on the wiki— if you have notes you want to add, I know I’m interested.

Here’s a page with the changes from Shadowrun 2 to 3 highlighted.

FATE Games Roleplaying

Recent roleplaying finds

On playing the Cleric: A good discussion about why people do and don’t enjoy it.
John Kim’s Spirit of Serenity: one and two (Spirit of the Century crossed with the Firefly universe, one shot.)
Dreamation interview w/ Vincent, a Sons of Kryos podcast.
Good Afraid guide and Actual Play. (Afraid is a horror sequel to Dogs in the Vineyard.)
New Horizon Q&A. (New Horizon is the first Spirit of the Century supplement, about people marginalized in traditional pulps.)
Roleplaying fun with kids. A thread I link to all the time.
James Wallis’s page
IPR’s retailer’s page


Politics and other goodness

One Female Canuck, a funny site.

From a great post by Hilzoy about war and hubris:

“Violence is not a way of getting where you want to go, only more quickly. Its existence changes your destination. If you use it, you had better be prepared to find yourself in the kind of place it takes you to.”

This is Hilzoy on Peter’s previous piece.

Can’t fire teachers easily? Studies show that leads to better outcomes for students.

Game Group

Next Game: Friday March 9th

We’re on schedule to get together next this upcoming Friday. We’ve tentatively scheduled it as a Shadowrun Character and Background Creation session. Kev has told us that any group of runners will work– don’t worry about “balancing” the team.

Here’s what we have so far, also on a new wiki page:

Dad: A former swat team magician, enhanced a bit with cyberware and a few body enhancements. Very good at melting brains and knocking people out…

Me: A kid with a gift for healing; long on skills for “getting along” on the streets.

Jennifer: A skilled, probably cybered fighter, with a love of cars and retro technology.

Any corrections anyone? Any early thoughts Ben?

If you’re on the web and have some time to kill, I have a page of Shadowrun links that might be useful.

Game Group

Next Game: Friday March 2nd

We finished the adventures of Erisorn, Ludwig, Draifen and Kogor last week, and look forward to picking a new game this Friday. Come prepared to kibitz and pitch fun games for the rest of us to play! (We can also sneak in some light and funny board games while we’re talking, if that’s appealing on Friday.)


Trinkets and more

A few interesting tidbits:

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Here’s a handy Xen’drik Assistant, I say with pride.

Online DMG screen

Cool what I learned recently thread about GMing. Lots on AoOs and corner cases.