
More on torture

From Body & Soul, Jeanne keeps us up to date with the current rash of torture scandals.

The Beast in US does a great job of laying out all of the torture information that’s currently bubbling over.

Books Memes

Hugo/Nebula Novels I’ve Read

I saw this meme on Blog, Jvstin Style and decided to do it as well.

What follows are lists of the Nebula and Hugo winners for best F/SF novel. The ones I’ve read are in bold.

Ancient Links

Subverting the dominant heirarchy

This is what my blog list looks like at the moment, sans CSS & style tables. I took out a few of the largest blogs, just to amplify the subversion. Well, that’s what I think I was doing, anyway.

Memes Roleplaying

Lunchtime Poll #16: I Am a Jelly Doughnut

Lunchtime Poll #16: I Am a Jelly Doughnut

This one can be answered from a player or GM point of view.

How do you convey the feeling of being unable to speak the majority language in the area where the story is taking place?

Memes Roleplaying

IRE #14: Homo floresiensis

IRE #14: Homo floresiensis

Our IRE this time around keys off of some new revelations about those mysterious “hobbit sized” skeletons found on an Indonesian island last year. As mentioned in a previous blog entry, Carl Zimmer’s blog has a nice recap of the biology and the speculation thereof.

So what can you do with this?

Game Group

Next Game: Friday March 11th

After the game on Saturday, we determined that we won’t be able to game this upcoming Saturday. Rather than waste an opportunity for gaming, we’ll play on Friday night instead.

So, game Friday night, our standard 6:30pm start time. Let me know if you’re going to have problems making it.

UPDATE: Session recap in the comment thread.

DnD Game Group Roleplaying

Missing Players

We had a few people missing on Saturday and I made a strange suggestion. I thought I’d repeat it so that we can discuss it without the time pressures of a game in motion. This way Steve and Trish can also contribute… they didn’t have a chance to get their oars in, but I’d really like to hear what everyone thinks.

Game Group

D&D Game: Saturday March 5th

For now we’re looking at playing Saturday night next week. Hopefully that’ll help keep us alert a little longer.

If you have any trouble with showing up, please let us know as soon as possible, so we can adjust if necessary. Otherwise, I look forward to exploring with Kogor and friends next weekend.


Parental Consent

Amanda sums up my thoughts perfectly, in her post

If you think minors aren’t fully capable of deciding to have an abortion, why do you think they’re capable of being mothers? Must not think much of motherhood, if that’s the case.

The whole article is very good; read it.

Game Group

D&D Night: Friday Feb. 25th

Due to a funeral, we’re looking at one last Friday game night on the 25th. 6:30 start time. Does anyone have a problem with that night?

Please comment in thread. Thanks!

UPDATE: I’ve spoken with Steve and Ben in person– it sounds like it’s a go, everyone should be able to make it. Also, I summarized the last session in the comments if you need a refresher.