
The big announcement is made: 4e D&D

Quickly summarizing many other websites, who are themselves summarizing the Q&A and “press sheets” Wizards of the Coast is putting out, 4th Edition is coming. The new PHB will come out next May, MM in June, DMG in July.

Wizards of the Coast has redone their D&D website to coincide with this change. Interestingly, if you go in through the Settings (hit the plus) and “Eberron” or “Forgotten Realms”, those pages still have the old layout and links to the old material.

I got sucked into way too much browsing last night and found that many sites are repeating the same stuff… which is probably what’s in the information packet.

The two articles Wizards put out, Design & Development: Race and Design & Development: Class make it sound like this will be a pretty big jump without “backward compatibility”– it’ll be its own thing.

A grab bag of what interests me so far:

  • Built for 30 levels instead of twenty. They acknowledge that the old game had a small sweet spot (about levels 4-14 in their estimation) and they’re trying to expand that so play is fun at all levels.
  • All characters have at will, per encounter, and per day powers. It sounds like Mages will get “at will” effects similar to reserve feats– so they don’t have to drag out a crossbow when they run out of spells… they’ll throw a “mage bolt” (or whatever) that works like a crossbow but fits their concept.
  • Skill lists will be slimmed, with the less useful stuff taken out and the remainder shifted to emphasize what you can do with the skill.
  • Magic items are getting pushed down in importance: it won’t take feats to make them, they won’t sell as easily, and they won’t be as essential to “keeping up” with other characters in your class.
  • The races presented in the PHB will shift, which means that some of the races our group never uses (gnome, half-orc) might get replaced with ones that we will.
  • Races will set you apart at throughout. In the final version of 4th Edition, most of your racial traits come into play right out of the gate at 1st level—dwarven resilience, elven evasion, a half-elf’s inspiring presence, and so on. As you go up levels, you can take racial feats to make those abilities even more exciting and gain new capabilities tied to your race. You can also take race-specific powers built into your class, which accomplish a lot of what racial substitution levels used to do: a dwarf fighter with the friend of earth power can do something that other 10th-level fighters just can’t do.
  • The new book covers have pretty artwork.

A more complete roundup of the discussion is over at Jonathon Drain’s d20 source. Inquest magazine has a short article that hits the high points of the new edition, with a slightly different emphasis.

The Fourth Edition FAQ post is pretty handy too.

Mike Mearl wrote on his GenCon blog about D&D Insider, etc.:

Playing D&D Online: There’s a natural reaction to see this as similar to Warcraft and other MMOs, but I think that’s a mistake. A better analogy might be online poker. Imagine you had a Wednesday night poker game. If that game broke up for whatever reason, online poker is something you might turn to for your poker fix. Or, maybe you simply can’t find players. The really exciting thing to me is that it lets you game with friends you’ve met at conventions or via online forums. If someone talks about their cool campaign on the message boards, you can now play in that cool game without flying across the world.

More about D&D Insider.

Rodney Thompson talks about playtesting a 4e character, DMing, etc. is gathering links and discussions and reposting the presentation videos.

Game Group

Game shift: Saturday August 25th

Update: The first Saturday game is tomorrow night (Saturday) at 6:30 pm!

Also, rumors and info gathered about the recently announced D&D 4th Edition.

After speaking with everyone tonight, it sounds like we should be able to make the shift to Saturdays. That’ll allow Jennifer to make it… and, maybe, it’ll make for slightly fewer yawns. Our next get together is Saturday, August 25th. Do we want to meet at the same 6:30 start time?

Let us know if you’ll have any problem making it, or if there’s anything else we need to know.

Game Group

Next Game: Friday, August 10th

We’ll resume Friday, as the two recruits board their jeep for their transfer to Spirit Faith from Hope. Widow and Hale are heading down to the complex to keep an eye on their friends…

Despite the rougher look of Faith, they might be more “in touch” with the matrix and outside world. I guess that’s part of what we’re here to figure out…

Game Group Misc

Game Group Calendar

Game Group

Next Game: Friday, August 3rd

the infiltration continues; a new boss is on scene and the hoeing goes on. Elsewhere, a rising young pirate journalist keeps interviewing the homeless and a dedicated street doc makes some money tending to the ills of the SINless.

Hey, why is that dark music swelling in the background?

Misc Roleplaying

If you’re in a writing mood

If you’re in a writing mood, does a lot to help you out. The daily writing prompt is pretty neat– just enough to spark a short story or two, if you’re in the mood. (I found this site via a post on the Treasure Tables forums, and found that it’s a nice little place.)

They also have an area where you can work on a world– for a book, RPG, or whatever you need.

A similar site with more of an RPG focus is The Campaign Builder’s Guild. Their Homebrew Campaign Settings page has an impressive list of worlds you can borrow.

Game Group

This week on Shadow Runners…

A complex plan came together last week, as the Shadowrunners managed to drive the manufacturing scoundrels from the junkyard. Just as life was looking up, Nathan got a sinister video (of our two car assaults) and a demand to meet.

Will anyone have a problem making this Friday night (7/27/07) session?


Testing long RSS

TT, forums

Shadowrunning wiki

Seven Sentence Character Generation (via TT, from forums, from an old Dragon Magazine):
Seven-Point Character Summary, extracted and paraphrased from Ed Greenwood’s “Seven Sentence NPC” article for Dragon Magazine.

Occupation and/or history.

Physical description.

Unusual skills or attributes. What is the character good at? Listing the obvious is okay, but try to take it a step further.

Values and motivations.
What drives the character to act? What types of things does he or she consider important?

Interactions with others. What attitude does the character have towards other people? What face does he or she present to the rest of the world?

Useful knowledge. What types of things does this character know? Look beyond what’s on the character sheet.

Distinguishing features. There is something unusual or unique about everyone. What stands out the most about this character? This can be a major, dramatic feature, or a minor one.

Game Group

Next Game: Friday July 20th

We’re currently lined up to game on Friday night. Jennifer may have to go cover the Harry Potter midnight book sale stuff, but that’s still up in the air.

Do we want to get together even if she’s busy? If so, what do we want to play? Walk along nostalgia lane with some BattleTech, or does something else appeal more?

Game Group

Gaming Reminder

T minus two days– everyone still ready and excited?


Our next get together is Friday, July 6th Friday, July 13th. (Dad is away again this weekend, for his forty-mmmph high school reunion.)

I’ll try to keep a calendar up to date with our game days– unless the wiki or somewhere else works better for you. Just let me know!

Last weekend (June 29th) Dad headed south and Jennifer and I are headed north.