
Recent RPG interests

Interesting Sci-fi premise— assume the world of 2105 will be better than 2005 by as much as 2005 is better than 1905. Plus some interesting choices on what to extrapolate really sketches an interesting future.
Thiry six plot ideas for any genre.
Please Help Save Palladium from Going Under An open letter from Kevin Siembieda, President & Owner. Palladium’s in trouble… and may not make it through the year. (They’re the ones who make RIFTs and several other systems.) I found out about this from this Treasure Tables post.
AG&G a stituation creation and resolution system– perfect for 2 hour slots (or so).
While it isn’t really roleplaying, it seems appropriate for roleplayers. Playing with Thermite (video),

New, bonus goodies:
Indie gaming basics Rmaps, kickers, bangs, no-myth, conflict resolution, all in one post.
Archived Dungeoncraft articles. (From an old Dragon Magazine series.)
The Law of Conservation of NPCs
A dozen pieces of gaming advice
Core Elements: Toolbox edition (pdf) An incredibly small D&D core boiled down below the class level. Kind of a zen, “how thin can you squeeze D&D” exercise.
Nutkin land Friendly forums for many a system.

Game Group

Next Game: Friday, April 21st

Our next game should be this upcoming Friday. During the week I’ll probably update the wiki with the new GM characters and the next session’s skeleton. You can help out by contributing whatever you remember.

As usual, if you’re going to have any problems making it, please let us know.


A big dose of politics

Fleeing GWB. An excerpt:

Now you are fleeing him, but it’s only because he’s got the earmarks of a loser. Your problem is that you don’t know why he’s losing. You think he’s made mistakes. But no. He’s losing because the ideas that you taught him and demonstrated for him are bad ideas, self-destructive ideas, and even suicidal ideas. And they are immoral ideas. You should be ashamed of yourselves because not only have your ideas not worked to make the world a better place, they were inhumane and cruel to begin with, and they have served to cultivate and excuse the inhumane and cruel character traits of those who profess them.

Need another reason to flee? How about Nuking Iran?. (A chilling look at the consequences… the world might let us get away with it.) Here’s some perspective on desiring a diplomatic solution. Familiar?

On the positive side… the 2005 Koufax Award winners. The 2005 Koufax award winner for picture series: Katrina Aftermath: And Then I Saw These is wonderful. (The photographer comments on the choice to use black & white pictures in a comment on the thread.)

An interesting question: is he a liberal? A moderate?

This post, over at Shakespear’s Sister reminds me that even though I’ve been presuming against some lies– some debunkings are new. Talk about lie fatigue.

Game Group

Next Game: Friday 4/14

UPDATE: We’re looking forward to a game this Friday, April 14th. If you’re going to have any problems making it, please let everyone know. Last weekend was destined not to be.

Meanwhile, over on the wiki, I’ve put up a rough log of the first session. If there’s something cool you did, something you want to remember, add it to the log. There are a lot of points where it can stand some expanding– say, the whole investigate/repair the TIE fighter sequence. It’s in outline format so it’s easy to insert more details– if you want to comment on something, just add one more * to the front of the line and include snippets of remembered dialogue, data [we got his comm. number, 500 credits, etc.]

Also, I have essentially no names. Can you provide names for the people we met Ben? The Barab I spoke with, the commander (and maybe the chief mechanic, so we’ll know he’s out for Cameron with a bloody, spanner happy insistence?) At the top, if you could list the six planets we’re investigating, that’d be handy too. I don’t think we’ll need names for the transitory characters [the other pilots, etc.]


Gaming stuff 3/29

Burning Wheel Char Sheets by Bankeui:
Character Sheet Front [pdf], Character Sheet Back [pdf], NPC Sheet [pdf].

Good D&D Action Reference: Action Sheet [pdf]

Death Stakes A quick RPG exercise

I give damned good advice. Plus, I point to the valuable discussion we do as a group to avoid boring stuff.

Character Cover sheet [pdf]

Game Group

StarWars: Starting Friday March 31st

Our next game is scheduled for March 31st. We’re currently planning on playing Star Wars– Ben, any further thoughts on how we’ll start? Do you want us to create common backgrounds, work on character histories– anything we can do to help you prepare?

I’ll add my character (and Jennifer’s) to the wiki. If you’re going to have trouble making it Friday, let us know.


This weekend was the second anniversary of our first date

It ended in tears, after I asked her to marry me and she said yes.

There was also chocolate cake.

Game Group Misc Roleplaying

New wiki and Next Game: Friday March 24th

Next Friday night we’re planning on creating characters for our new Star Wars game… and, if we still have time, return to our Dragon’s Talons game.

Since setting up a wiki is a hassle, but I love to share the ability to create and edit, I got a free Peanut Butter wiki. It is easy to use– just click the “edit page” button on top.

Wiki main page. Links to the rest of the wiki.
New Republic Agents. The page I set up for the Star Wars game we’ll be playing (and that Ben will be running). I figure we can discuss characters and the like there… or in this thread if you’d rather.

Update: See the first comment for thorough instructions on making your edits to the wiki. Dad has successfully edited– have you? (Kev has too.)


Meme of Fours

Four jobs you have had in your life:
Corral building handy-kid
Computer lab support guy

(more of the meme below)

Game Group

March 17th: The Dragon’s Talons return

The evils of his corporate employer are too extensive to list, but this last act of aggression is too much. The beatings… oh, yeah, I’m not supposed to mention that.

So, Kev’s got to work Friday. We’ll be talking about games and game systems. If there’s anything you want us to bring up Kev, just let me know– or add it to the Pitch Ideas thread.

We’ll return to Dragon Talon goodness on March 17th.

UPDATE: We met last night and discussed the various pitches. We’ve narrowed it down to three concepts, but didn’t want to vote until Kev could be there. We were in a very sci-fi mood…

The three pitches are:

  • Star Wars d6: Heroic. Set after Return of the Jedi, as the New Republic and Empire jockey for position. We’ll be the people who will swing the fate of planets… It’ll be larger than life, pulp-like.
  • D20 Modern: Paranormal Investigators. We’ll be people who know there’s more out there than society believes. Whether it’s aliens, demons, or some other power– only investigation will tell.
  • Fate: 2182. The PCs are a Morgan Team; elite agents empowered by the confederacy to keep things running. Teams may battle pirates, bring around recalcitrant rulers, thwart secessionist plots, and discover new worlds. Sleek vessels unfurl delicate Tachyon catching sails, while below, ice is mined in frigid, near vacuum bubbles.

If I got a pitch wrong, let me know and I’ll correct it. Also, how do we want to vote? A secret ballot? We talked about them for a while this time and found that Ben and I are both eager to run our games, but neither of us demands GMing. Dad was willing to set aside the Dragon’s Talons, but withdrew his suggestion when we picked up knives and bared our teeth.