Game Group

August 28th Game

Right now it looks like we’re on schedule for a game next Sunday, though Jennifer will miss part of the game for a seminar. On to the Dragon Coast!

(We’ll try to get the loot list typed up during the week.)


08-18 Roleplaying links

A little link roundup…

[From The Game Mechanics] Red Dragons, broken out by age: (pdf) and the website. Inititive Cards in general.

Crafting items A WOTC variant; interesting, but it doesn’t solve the core issue (experience as a cost). On the same subject, a message board discussion about crafting items from the Pizao boards.

20 Page Arms & Armor Preview For inspiration only; it has a few names and item properties, but few full definitions.

The Year’s Best d20 is a collection of open gaming content from many manufacturers, culled and evaluated. Looks worthwhile (especially as a pdf). Also: the Table of Contents.

Dungeon Crafter Game world design advice (from old Dragon articles). Also, Dark Heritage, a world created by applying the previous articles.


Books, games, etc.

Books, games, etc.

House full of Games:
(boardgame reviews, discussion, etc.)

Mare Nostrum FAQ–

Vinci: area conquest, very strong —

Time’s Up: party game —

BuyWords —

Keythedral — sounds interesting —

Game Group

D&D: August 21, 2005

Right now, the plan’s for the normal game at the normal time. Everybody ready?

Game Group

Possible Game: August 15th

Last week’s adventure was the return to the capital and much item upgrading. At the end, we had a solid lead– a bookseller on the Dragon Coast might have information about the void woundings. We’ve made arrangements to lead a group of ships through the blockage… and to report in by spell every three days. Prepare for sail!

Tricia may be celebrating her birthday Sunday, so we’ll listen to Kev as to whether the game is this weekend or next.

Game Group

Next Game: Sunday August 7th

We hit eighth level last week, so everyone has skill and stat points to distribute. Let us know if you’ll have trouble making it.

Jennifer and I will go through and try to total up sale bait and sort through the stuff we’ve gathered, so we can distribute everything out where it’ll be useful.

Memes Roleplaying

How I learned to GM

Martin at Treasure Tables asked:

A simple question to which the answer will, I suspect, vary pretty widely: how did you learn to GM?


Some recent developments

Dogs in the Vineyard:
DitV rules updates Minor but useful.
DitV Second Session advice Also new to the rulebook, though long since covered in the forums.
On Authority DitV clarified again. (See especially lumpley’s post #9).

And some recent general roleplaying threads of interest…
Playing like you mean it Good thread on intensity and the like.
Too many plots An interesting discussion that relates to the proactivity discussions at the Master’s Council.


A couple of good posts by Hilzoy

Bush is willing to Veto the appropriations bill if the military agrees to follow its own rules about treatment of prisoners. Apparently Bush feels the retaining the executive office’s authority to torture is more important than paying the troops. Hilzoy writes about it eloquently (as ever), at Obsidian Wings.

About the Plame thing. Hilzoy quotes James Marcinkowski, ex-CIA, in her current Plame post:

“The exposure of Valerie Plame by anyone in the White House is the same as a local police chief announcing to the media the identity of his undercover officers.

Plus some good non-Hilzoy posts…
More than Abortion: Choice, Privacy, and Criminalization (from Amanda at Pandagon)

Dear Democrats Amanda writes about Roberts. Also, JR’s comment (about #7) is also a solid prediction.

Why I’m a pro-choice male by Jesse of Pandagon

Breaking the Peg Bilmon writes about what China’s changes to its peg really mean.

Abortion Facts Useful and too often unknown by all participants.

Game Group

Next Game: Sunday July 31st

Well, we found a way to sneak in another day of gaming, even if we had to push the month to 31 days to squeeze it in. Same drill as normal– we’re assuming 2pm and everyone can make it. Let us know if that’s not true.

I don’t think there’s anything else tricky going on; no leveling, and a lot of huddling in the swamp, preparing to inflict more damage on the advancing legions of Sembia.