Game Group

Next Game: Sunday June 5th

What time do we want to start this week– our standard 2pm, or closer to noon (like last week)? Do we want to stop earlier? [I’d be OK with a solid 6 hour session, for example.]

Most of the spells were wonky again; I’ll have to check out your generator Dad & try to find out why it’s only churning out stuff we don’t have books for.

Game Group Roleplaying

Next Game: Hopefully Memorial Day Weekend

Since days & times are up in the air, here’s a thread for figuring out when we can meet next. Everybody, say “Arrr!” with me.

UPDATE: So, Monday’s the plan. Ben suggests an early start… say, 10 or 11 am. Does that work for you?

Game Group

Next Game: Sunday May 22nd

So, Sunday the 22nd. Does the day work? Should we start around 2 pm, or is there a better time to start?

Let’s use this thread for purchases & item creation/sale, and a discussion about where we’re going. Ben kicked off with a great comment, questioning what our characters see as their next step.

[Update: We’ve already had our two weekends off– I deleted the reference to “what we’ll be up to”, since we’ve already done it. Also, I changed the date to bump it to the top.]

Game Group

Undistributed Items

(An aside: Marv’s Spells is a very handy database of spells.)

Here’s our remaining loot list, categorized.
Golem Bane Clay Scarab
1500 gp Ink + Bottle & Quill; allows scribing scrolls w/o Scribe Scroll or XP cost
Chest of Holding
Pillow of Rest

Potions: Remove Fear, Expedious Retreat, Endure Elements (Fire), Endure Elements (Sonic)
Oils: Magic Weapon, Uncanny Dodge
Arcane Scrolls: Spider Climb x3, Grease, Misdirection, Blur, Mount x4, Spectral Hand x3, Sleep x3, Minor Image, Change Self, Summon Monster II x2, Web, Reduce, Shield, Familiar Pocket [CA: 106], Snilloc’s Snowball Swarm [Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting on page 74]

Wand of Preverication’s Bounty (33ch) — [Prevarication’s Bounty (Cleric 1) Transmutation: Causes the tongue of the victim to swell when the victim lies. from RR98 (not sure what that is)]
Void Rod, dragon eye gems, void pebbles

Potions: of Armor in a bottle [??], Undentified
Scrolls: Scroll of Lesser Spell Immunity [Dragon 275 p86], Hell’s Hammer [in dragon Lords of Melibone p120, Transmutation Weapon touched, Cleric 1], Invisible Object [??], Ray of Ice [Dragon Annual #5 on page 24], Bristle [?? Perhaps supposed to be Brambles– Complete Divine on page 156], Rat Vision [??], Wound [there are lots of X wound spells, but none just called wound.]


Many good RP links

Lots of recent D&D and roleplaying posts. Some will make the links, some won’t.

The Shadow of Yesterday quick references
Character Creation, Conflict Resolution

RPG Blog What’s out, what’s current. Links to many RPG creator websites

World of Tereth End (custom D&D campaign)

Goodman Games: Free Stuff Thier extensive free stuff page. Has lots of tiles & converted (from 1E) adventures.

Shining Dodecahedron Another interesting game theory blog

Hell’s Hammer is from Dragon Lords of Melibone (which we don’t have)

Attacks of Opportunity RPG discussion & theory blog

Cool looking PBEM– Sea of Stars

Amber Cool Amber site, with a good partial powers system

On Railroading and The Impossible Thing Before Breakfast

Game Group Memes Roleplaying

Character Questions

This comes from Heather Grove’s Burning Void blog

  • What was your character’s last nightmare? How much did it frighten her? What disturbed her most about it?
  • Does your character like or dislike her name? Why? If she dislikes it, what does she wish her parents had named her? If she changed her name at some point, what did she change it from, why, and has she been happy with her choice?
  • What snacks does your character have in her cupboards right now?

My answers are below; you can answer for your character in comments if you like.

Game Group Roleplaying

Proposed Game: D20 Modern

This one I’m less clear on… Ben, what system, setting, etc. are you proposing? This thread’s a place to build our interest… if you dare. Mwahhahah.

Game Group Roleplaying

Potential Game: Shadowrun

I thought it’d be cool to have an area where each of the potential/ filler/ off-week games can get talked up. This spot’s for Shadowrun, which Kev’s talking about running.

Want to pitch the game? After you hint at what we’d be up to, people can ask about rules, style, characters, and all that. If we jawbone about it in advance, maybe we’ll all be fired up when the day comes to play. Kev, you’re up.

[Sidenote: As I find useful links, I’ll add them in– or Kev will.]
FanPro’s Shadowrun site. Includes this interesting info– Shadowrun Fourth Edition launches at GenCon Indy 2005: August 18-21!
Shadowrun Archive Huge fansite, but very dated.



from the Forge thread Meaning at the beginning, middle and end. It’s about social expectations and authority.

The thread describes three types of resolution– Meaning at the Beginning (MatB), Meaning in the Middle (MitM), and Meaning at the End (MatE). Meaning at the Beginning is about consistent causality, strongly influenced by precedent. Meaning in the Middle is about moment by moment decisions, stretching precedent to fit new cases. Meaning at the End is about justifying or explaining why past events occurred, retrofitting explanations in later.

Later in the thread Simon Marks comments:

So, Kell hates his father (a fact)
In this hypothetical system, we can look at what this translates into.

It will lead to certain ‘predefined’ effects – So, it will grant +2 to any attempt to harm his Father. This is MatB, as it is Judged once the fact is created.

If I then say “Kell’s hatred of his father helps me jump the river” then thats an attempt to add to the SIS that this is true. It is judged when I try to use it.

If I then say “”Okay, so Kell’s hatred of his father helped him shoot this man dead. My God… all of his fighting is a sublimation of his desire to kill the man he hates and loves. Which I didn’t know until we insisted that the trait was relevant here.” is where you rationalise why you got +2 to killing this man.

So the question becomes, “What effect will this fact have”, “Does this fact have an effect” and “Why did this fact have an effect”

It’s an interesting thing to look at, but I don’t have an application for it yet. It’s just something I’m going to need to keep track of (at least mentioning), if I run a MitM game with people used to only MatB games.


Lunchtime Poll #23: No Way to Run a Railroad

Li’s got the 23rd Lunchtime Poll up,

Is there a cure for railroading? If so, how do you go about curing yourself or your GM of this habit?

Railroading can be tough to cure– there are many sources with different responses required for each.