Recent reads for early February.
The Way Into series is a powerful, off kilter from expectation world. The gifts and Blessed have fascinating rules and histories, with a structure that makes increasing sense as the series continues. It’s oddly like a fantasy world crashed into a zombie apocalypse. Tejohn is a great “voice of experience” character, and grounding him with extensive experience around magic (but he’s not a practitioner, an important contrasting POV). Cazia provides a great wizard- and also a youthful, iconoclastic viewpoint.
The first four Steerswoman books are fascinating; the idea of the Steerswomen as a society with subtle impact on the world, but no overt conflict. That changes a bit as the series progresses, and we learn more about the wizards and their machinations. By the third and fourth books, we start to understand the wizard structure and powers, but also their callous ruthlessness.