DnD Roleplaying

History + Gaming = Medieval guilds and cartels

Pearl farming and the secret society of diviners is an interesting look at how when you mix real world limits with the abstraction of fantasy rules, you get something baroque and cool.

There are several related posts, which adapt guild dynamics, medieval foreign and domestic policy, and similar constraints to build up a sordid world. The first article tackles adventuring’s horrific disruption of local society, and is followed by how guilds and vested interests push your magic items out of town, and a darkly conceived little war.

They’re all excellent from a twisted GM’s perspective–they’re tremendous world building. But man they’d be frustrating to experience as a player. They’re a great read, even if it’s not right to actually use this twisted and wonderful logic in your worlds.


Setting Creation

From Fred Hicks, via Amagi Games, is a cool Setting Creation Session form. It looks fast, with the freeform just structured enough to ensure that everyone was a chance to provide input regularly.

DnD Roleplaying

5 Blades of Bahamut

Chris Chinn is creating a beautiful 4e setting with his players that he’s tagged 5 blades of Bahamut. The setting they’re building has a dash of myths from India and a lot of twisting stock 4e concepts to match a more stylized setting. It features airships, cults of Tiamat and Bahamut, a reason for the monsters (with a twist that makes killing them with impunity work out very well), interesting interpretations of the gods in the PHB (with a history that makes them tightly interwoven, with more Greek god like rivalries and relations), and more.

It’s a compelling read so far; I can’t wait to hear what happens when the PCs start wandering this wide world.