
Roleplaying Wonkery

So, I’ve stumbled on a big rumbling discussion, largely sparked by MJ Young’s Article at Places to Go, People to Be.

The discussion was picked up in several places: On the 20×20 room (which sparked a response, here) and on the Master’s Council.

Here are some direct links to definitions: Illusionism, Participationism, Trailblazing, and Bass playing (um, not so linked). Others include No Myth, and Background Based Gaming. Unfairly overlooked: Pinball or Open Sim, which doesn’t have a really good link.

Game Group Misc

Help with sign ins

Dad has been complaining about the same typekey login problem that Kev has. Here’s what I think’s going wrong, based on my use of his computer & account.

When you want to comment
1) Click sign in
2) After it takes you to the typekey page, hit login. (If it doesn’t keep your name/password, re-enter those then hit login).
3) You’ll be returned to the website, but it won’t look like you can comment. Don’t hit sign in again! Instead, hit refresh.
4) You should get the comment box. Happy commenting!

Ancient Links

A year plus Roleplaying cleanup

Here’s a ton of links that I found interesting at the time– some are still quite intersting. Combing through was also a good chance to update my RPG Styles page.

(It’s amazing how many links are already broken. I’ve eliminated all of them that I found.)


A cool bit

On a whim I decided to see what’s up with one of the old wargames I loved, Full Thrust. I was very surprised to find that the game’s maker, Ground Zero Games is offering the rules for free as downloads from their website!

How cool is that?


Blog Warning

I’ll try to upgrade this to 3.2– it has a lot of convenient features (particularly anti-spam and organization) that I’d like. Unfortunately, I’m flying blind, so I’ll back up and cross my fingers… but posts and comments could be lost if I’m too klutzy.

(Um, I now notice that they’re advertising 3.2, but it’s not out yet. So no worries for a while. Plus the backup is easy (and done).)

Game Group

Next D&D Game: Sunday July 24th

July 16th and 17th, we’re being joined by Chris, Dave, and Misty for a weekend of board gaming and Happy Dragon. Regular gaming should resume Sunday July 24th.

If you’ve got any thoughts, timing issues, or the like, let us know. We hit 7th level, huzzah. Level up and be ready for more gaming goodness.


Tuesday procrastination

Bangs explained Another of those threads that I’ll reference from my RPG Styles page.

Fate 2e htmlized FATE’s getting to be one of my favorite systems, so this html version is a nice thing to have. Some errors have been corrected, which is also nice.

(and some late entries)
For Dad– Treasure Generator (.zip file), NPC Equipment Generator (.zip) & Random Hook Generator

Being a good player

Lousy GMs and Lousy Players Poll results. A good thing to check against, to keep yourself on the straight and narrow.

Eliminating Manerisms Some good ideas on rotating casts & the like.

For Zack: Living Greyhawk, Home Regions


Around the sphere

Here are a few things that happened over the weekend… interesting stuff.

The Plame mess summarized: DKos Diary and Hilzoy of Obsidian Wings

Supreme Court Nominees. Lots of background about the nominees and analysis of O’Conner’s term.

What oil prices will affect demand? An economic analysis

Game Group

Upcoming Game: Sunday July 10th

I hope everybody has a good 4th of July weekend! I’m looking forward to the fresh air and three days off… it should be a very nice break. Hope your sparklers are bright.

The following weekend is Sunday July 10th. Kev, it looks like your observation was correct– there’s not enough interest in Shadowrun, particularly not enough to continue without Trish. Fortunately, Dad says that the last few weeks of thinking about a character and playing with concepts has recharged his batteries, and he’ll be ready to pick up the D&D game come that Sunday.

Does 2 pm work for everyone? Is there anything else we need to work out?

Memes Roleplaying

IRE #22: Changing Hands

Over at Blog, Jvstin Style , we’re asked:

Today marks the 340th anniversary of the reincorporation of New Amsterdam by the English into the colony of New York. Its an important and momentous occasion, a turning point not only in the development of New York, but America in general. ((L.E. Modesitt Jr. Ghost books, as a divergence, have a Dutch-dominated New York and New England surviving British attempts at incorporation).

So, the handover of a valuable colony or country between rivals…and the people in the colony caught in the crossfire…

I liked the whole Maquis sub-plot for Star Trek, but that’s pretty much a done thing. Since I’m gearing up for Shadowrun, let’s see where inspiration leads me.