Book of NPCs

by Paul Strack

Version 2.0

The “Book of NPCs” has NPCs stat blocks, generated using the “Creating NPCs” rules in the Chapter 10 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. They are organized by race and use builds based on the builds from the Player’s Handbook. The current version includes 33 builds based on the builds from the Player’s Handbook 1 and 2, 27 races from the Player’s Handbook 1 and 2 and the Monster Manual, and characters for levels 1-30.

Stat blocks: NPC stat blocks are roughly modeled after the monster stat blocks from the Monster Manual. Because NPCs have access to a number of powers that allow the use of healing surges (including second wind), the NPC’s healing surge value is listed as well. Each [○] indicates one surge.

To remain text-only, the range indicators for powers are text rather than images. The indicators are [m] and [r] for basic melee and ranged attacks. The indicators are [M], [R], [C] and [A] for non-basic melee, ranged, closed and area attacks. A few power (such as ranger and rogue powers) can be used for either melee or ranged attacks, depending on the choice of weapon. These are marked [M/R].

The stat blocks also use icons to indicate whether a power is an at-will [●], encounter [○] or daily [□] power. This reduces the visual clutter of power descriptions. The encounter/daily icons can be also be used as checkboxes as powers are used up.

House Rules: The NPCs in this book use a few minor house rules to balance better against monsters of their leve1.

1) The NPCs hit points are (Level + 1) × (hit points per level) instead of (Level) × (hit points per level). This is more consistent with the hit point values assigned to equivalent monsters.

2) The “NPC Level Bonus” has been adjusted downward slightly at some levels to smooth out the advancement and make the NPCs more consistent with equivalent level monsters:

* Bonus adjusted downward 1 point at these levels.

3) Since there no official rules on NPCs from PH2, I have assigned monster roles and a reduced set of features to these NPC classes, similar to the way classes from PH1 have fewer features in the DMG. If/when official rules for PH2 NPCs come out, I will make the necessary adjustments.

4) NPCs have been assigned racial features like the ones that the corresponding monsters in the Monster Manual have. NPCs do not have all of the PC racial features, especially where they are not generally relevant to NPCs (like the Elf’s Trance feature). Racial features that involve a bonus to some trait (like defense bonuses) are not explicitly noted. For simplicity and balance, the human bonus feat is always Human Perseverance. Although technically not allowed by the DMG, all the example NPCs do have racial powers, so this is more likely errata than a house rule.

To convert the NPCs back to their “RAW” values, simply subtract 1 Level’s worth of hit points and add an extra +1 to attacks, damage and defense at the starred levels in the chart above. If you are being especially rigid, remove any racial features and powers as well.

Using the NPCs: The NPCs are grouped into individual files by race and level. To build NPC encounters, pick your race and level, open the appropriate file in a word processor and delete everything except for the NPCs you want to use. You can customize NPCs by changing their weapons or changing a few powers.

You can add a magic item to an NPC, but remember that you have to subtract the NPC’s magic item threshold from the item bonus. In most cases, this means that a level-appropriate item will give the NPC an extra +1 bonus, plus the weapon’s special power. Because the item will also count as loot for the battle, you may only want to give the boss NPC a magic item.

NPC Races

Bugbear NPCs

Deva NPCs

Doppelganger NPCs

Dragonborn NPCs

Drow NPCs

Dwarf NPCs

Eladrin NPCs

Elf NPCs

Githyanki NPCs

Githzerai NPCs

Gnoll NPCs

Gnome NPCs

Goblin NPCs

Goliath NPCs

Half-Elf NPCs

Half-Orc NPCs

Halfling NPCs

Hobgoblin NPCs

Human NPCs

Kobold NPCs

Minotaur NPCs

Orc NPCs

Shadar-kai NPCs

Shifter, Longtooth NPCs

Shifter, Razorclaw NPCs

Tiefling NPCs

Warforged NPCs

Change Log

Version 2.0:

Version 2.0.beta-3:

Version 2.0.beta-2:

Version 2.0.beta-1:

Version 1.0.4:

Version 1.0.3:

Version 1.0.2:

Version 1.0.1:

Version 1.0:

Version 0.1: Original release, PH classes plus MM and PH races, levels 1-10.


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